ATA app drift?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by McDreamy, Apr 23, 2015.

  1. WHAT HAPPEN TO THIS GAME? I actually was having fun with it and I barely noticed it's gone? Anyone knows what happen?
  2. Was closed due to lack of interest.
  3. If you were really enjoying it, you would have noticed it was gone a while ago.
  4. people including me requested alot of things and they couldnt deliver it so they shut it down
  5. I remember downloading it, it stayed on my iPhone for about 5 minutes, it beat FC and gaw by about 10 minutes.
  6. wait does this even make sense? 
  7. Do I need to explain it to you with a drawing res? 
  8. I think he means he downloaded it first then downloaded the other apps after it by 10 minutes?
  9. lol my G4 broke four months ago had to use my old phone,It wasn't capable of running Drift but finaly got a new phone, redownload all my apps and noticed it was gone
  10. Awe really disappointing felt like they had a good thing going with it
  11. I'll spell it out a bit better. The game was so bad I only kept it 5 minutes on my phone. FC and gaw were not much better but I tried them out for about 15 minutes each. Therefore, it beat the 2 other ATA games as being the fastest deleted app from my phone. Make sense?
  12. Considering it was android only thats amazing
  13. I was gonna say the same thing. Yoda is clearly a wizard.
  14. Or a Jedi. We must be safe from the force on forums.