Second KaW

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by VA_Swag_VA, Apr 22, 2015.

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  1. thats a personal thought some want to actually play a fair game and get top 500,100,10 in events but cant because of the paying feature it built on or possibly just a test server to see how it works out aka a beta testing server if it works it put into the game if it doesnt then it wont if devs tried it they may like the results
  2. I support

  3. ... this statement alone will let me say no support
  4. Support
  5. helpful suggestions are what im looking for not people just saying useless because devs have to spend money if its helpful idc if u dont like it as long as its criticism that could help
  6. I suggest that you stop suggesting ideas which are completely lacking in support and general logic.
  7. it has logic you just fail to see it and if u stopped posting devs wont because it costs money there would be more support i already have 1
  8. Devs want to make more money. New server takes time and resources. The new server which you have proposed is for non paying players. So how would they profit from this venture?
  9. I wish they did this... I wouldn't mind watching adverts daily or an advert bar at the top (to generate income instead)
  10. the paying players will stay on the regular server and new/ free players will stay on f2p server if other games can.make hundreds of other servers devs can make 1 to make a fair and fun game
  11. No support, splits up the game too much.
  12. Other games have multiple servers due to the general abundance of (usually paying) players. Also kaw is fair. You play it right you can grow without in app purchases. Not growth to whale size, but enough growth to war and such.
  13. try to attack cella red or sylph thats fair? also growth is sped up so much with seals and such you can get hfbc in a week or 2 ive seen it.
  14. Why would you want to attack them? Attack someone your own size perhaps...
  15. Sure, I'd like to be getting to those levels with no money invested and yes, if a way was implemented I'd use it. However, quite frankly, I'd expect it to totally decimate the pay base and cripple the game. Who would keep investing money when you can jump over and gain an lb position with no cash involved? Doesn't make a whole lot of sense. You're essentially expecting the current pay base to subsidise a free version where the same benefits are availabe without investment. Which is absolutely ridiculous.
  16. There are ways to speed up growth to make it nore of a cash cow. Ata is a firn at the end of the day and want to maxinise profit.
  17. that's why hoppin over is limited to one or 2 times their growth is still slowed by the non hte which gives others a chance to grow to their size
  18. thats not the point very few can hit them since they spent so much and hitting my own size is bullying i hit bigger then me.
  19. Support
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