No, this is not meant to be a pessimistic thread that is telling people how much better the old days of KAW were. It also is not a thread about the game possibly dying out. What I want to know are your predictions about what is going to happen in the future of KAW. Where do you see the game in 2 years? 3 years? Is there going to be massive KAWflation? When will s5 finally be announced? Call it here. My prediction for s5 is that it will be coming out right after this event. I also see 1 trillion gold being a tiny amount in about 2 years when we have tier 9 buildings. What are your guys' predictions?
Dead in a couple years honestly. It's had a long life so far by mobile game standards, and with very little dev interaction anymore, I can't see it lasting. In those years? S5,6,7 definitely. T8 is possible. New player equips (hopefully). new EB tier. Possible HTE replacement.
Huge inflation, allies will become increasingly rare, devs will distract with new events and equipment, mass exodus of players. Ata will cash out passing the game to a new company who will have a novel idea of listening to all the players instead of catering yo the few. Several months or years of dark times then a small resurgence before a quick death when the new devs get sucked into the greed
I believe kaw has a revenue goal set to fund their transition from "mobile game creators" to a "software/client(example)" company. They probably have the resourses and technology, just need the capital to finance the research and design. In two years i predict, if we are lucky, kaw will no longer be supoorted by the devs. It will only be some tech intern pressing the "repeat promo event #1-20" button.
Honestly, the only thing that's keeping Kaw alive for me is the people, and the forums. Without them, I would have quit long ago. This really isn't even a game for me anymore. It's just a 3rd party messenger for me almost.
Two years ago the game was funny when you started and tryed to get equips while you grew...thinking that you can be at top with the kaw inflation for new players is the death,top lb is a long and hard way to get...i think that in 2 years devs should think to kill the inflation to do live to new players can compite for being one of the best...if they dont do that finally only a few players perhaps stay in the game but the most slowly will leave...and other point to mark is to do pvp something that gives rewards without events,so more players could change their way in the game and not only would do ebs for equips or gold...this would do the game more faster and animated...thats the future of kaw that i see in the way that is taking now...sorry for being pesimist but some things should change for doing the game so excitant as it was in the past
This is an interesting opinion. Speaking just for myself, i have never viewed the top lb's in games like this as a measurement of how good they are at a game. Granted there are a few i find worthy of recognition. But the rest, im not seeing anything that required a skill, or an indicator of being actually good at anything.. I mean show me the lb ranking of the person who coordinated and managed stripping hundreds of opponents they warred. Lb rank for attacks on other players. Lb ranks for the side of kaw that requires you to fight for that acknowledgement. .... Oh well, it is what it is i suppose.
Tbh if they just deleted KaW and remade it from the start I wouldn't even be mad. Give players that have been here a long time a package where everyday you get *such* amount of xstals per day or a fancy 10% stats boost. And take it down a PvP route instead of a PvE route and if their gonna do PvE just advertise it as that from the start. If they did PvP they would need to make it profitable and give incentives to continuously playing in that style. Like equipment or something. This is probably a little off topic. Just throwing this out there.
That would never work on the premise people can use personal farms to up their hit tally which would require no skill either, hits require no skill the things that do require skill can't even be measured and shouldn't need to be as one would only do them out of self enjoyment. on topic it seems more and more that the devs are just trying to drain out as much out of this game before possibly selling it off and funding a new project or by the way of the world they might go out of business all together due to the increase in another area. either way the theme of kaw has potential however the layout is limited and also flawed in that there is no real win/loss ratio on this game so in effect you can't lose which makes the purpose of the game more obsolete, it comes down to imagination by the players as to what losing actually is. also as for people spending money on the game itself unfortunately if the developers ever do decide to sell up shop and leave closing the servers then they are not liable for any losses incurred as they state this numerous times whenever you choose to buy something. I'd be a bit more reserved in the pocket personally.
Im very sure that the way to be the best in kaw is to spend $ and if you spend more the best top lb youll be...its interesting how things changed from the kaw inflation...before tops were the best players so in wars as in its only a question of $.Just curious!!
Either there will be further events with ever increasing equipment or there will be a huge shake up which encourage players to stay at certain land completes for certain reasons.. For example those at LLBC get a special equipment that is plus 5% plunder but is lost the moment you explore the highlands. Or something like that. There will be tiers of players in set land ranges