pick a name not a wish list of qualities

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by lISIlAlINIlTlIAIlTlIEIlAIl, Apr 20, 2015.

  1. I can tell by your name
  2. My original name was mommy2hotty, I chose it just for fun, but hotty became my "nickname". I really don't think I am objectifying myself, and let's be realistic, if it was a "wishlist of qualities" my name would be RichMamaWithGreatMetabolism-LivingInParadiseWithAGorgeousMan-WhoWorshipsMe. Alas, that has too many characters, so I guess Hotty it is
  3. Star you Noob  lol

    But honestly, support. Those that flaunt those obnoxious names are just creating an oxymoron. For example VlXEN. She claimed to be a pretty blond swedish girl. In reality, she ended up being as old as my mother and unattractive.
  4. 
  5. Mike you turdball. I'm not big. 5'10 
  6. BMikes.. Don't say that your mom is unattractive!
  7. It's found the whiskey. If you're going to talk crap do so somewhat educatedly.

    I find that most people with issues with my name are intimidated, because being an Internet bad ass doesn't fix how ugly you are.

    Next time you want call someone out on their ign make sure your own doesn't sound like something a child thought of.
  8. Hungry-Hungry-Hippo
  9. arent u giving more info about op such as marital status in a public place. Whether its right or wrong that can be seen as soliciting.
  10. Seeing as the information is in a public place no, he isn't
  11. You may have misundestood him. He refers to her banner, which states she is married to some other player name.

  12. You clearly need to reevaluate the term soliciting.

    Everyone is quick to jump down a mods throat for the slightest possibility of an indiscretion either out of pure envy or a past indiscretion one has committed. But at least know what the hell you are talking about before spewing any ridiculous notion that pops in your tiny brain.
  13. Just cause my name has silence in it doesn't mean every mod should silence me for every little while indiscreation
  14. Little...damn autocorrect
  15. Usernames are usernames, let bygones be bygones
  16. Barbie, she wasn't calling you out about your name. She was saying she was going to make that her name but it was already taken.

    Take a step back and let your brain not your hormones direct your lips next time.

  17. You must be completely dense.

    Maybe if you utilized your brain you'd be aware there is not a player with the name barbiehidthewhiskey.

    But instead you run your figurative mouth in the typical chauvinistic way and make hormone comments. So in fact, by your little chauvinistic grand stand it is you that think with their hormone, while I am capable of making sound deductions based on evidence.

    Let me know if I need to dumb that down for you.
  18. I agree with OP. Be more original with your names.
  19. Barbie,

    News flash, kaw resets inactive accounts  .... Therefore the name is now available

    Omg  what a hard concept

  20. Exactly I'm sure the username star baby and this thread aren't contradicting each other..