[BETA] World Leaders - PBP

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -IIXII-AJ-IIXII-, Apr 18, 2015.

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  1. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Country: TAC

    Political: CIS have discovered that the terrorist is from Greenland and is sheltering there. Because of this TAC has decided in order to capture this criminal they will invade. They ask that Cuba aid them in the search for the terrorist.

    Building: Construction of Mobile Sam units in London (2 turns)
    Research: Scientists will begin to look into surface to orbit defense systems(4 turns)

    Troops : The Third Fleet which just arrived in Cuba has been ordered to sail towards King Frederik Coast and ask Cuba to send an investigation team with a Cuban fleet to escort them there. Paratroopers are being sent to land in and take the capital city of Nuuk while 3 drones will be sent from London to assist in the paratroopers landing

    Production: 2000 helicarrier crew will be trained 1000 Troops in Dublin 500 pilots in London 200 300 support staff and crewmen in Gawlway (7 turns)
    Production of First hellicarrier begins in London (5 turns)
    The military council decides that 5 Air Admirals should be trained for aerial warfare in an undisclosed location in Scotland(5 turns) and five more seats for these AAs on the council be created

    *Edited for a better description
  2. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Be a little more descriptive, like where were they built?
  3. Re: World Leaders - PBP



    @Mexico would like to announce that Canada has left the Cuba/Mexico/UAE/Japan alliance.

    We are looking for someone to fill this void.


    Insurrection tech - 3 turns
    Naval warfare tech - 3 turns
    UPCAA/Mexico stealth tech - 4 turns


    Mexican scientist are finalizing nuclear power plant.
    Mexican rocket ship - 5 turns
    Mexican submarine - 2 turns


    The third Mexican carrier fleet sails back from Brazil to Vancruez.
    Mexican forces successfully occupy Ven. and Columbia. The process of rebuilding and integration their armed forced (30 tanks, 10k infantrymen) will take some time - two turns. The Mexican national guard shifts to accommodates the new lands. The armed forces return to base.

    Mexcian personnel reach the French base in Barcelona.


    Total men in military - 350K

    Army - 125K In the army. 55K each fort. (In fort Pila and Tila. 1k Personal to maintain the base.)

    75 tanks
    30 LAVS

    Navy - 83K Personnel

    Four carrier fleets. (1 Carrier, five destroyers, two troop transport 10K each) *Each

    One in port Hern. (Pacific) One in Vancruez (Atlantic. The third is based in Israel and the fourth has no home.

    Naval station in Barcelona.
    Airforce - 25K men

    Airfield near Mexico city and in the Mexican mountains.

    300 Swedish mock 10 jets, 12 mock 12.

    150 are in Mexico, the rest are in Israel.

    100K of Mexico's men guard Mexico and the province of Guatemala at all times.

    Land: All of central america and Colmbi. and ven
  4. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    YOu cannot research tech that other nations have. Currently, Japan has the tech. You would need to buy it from them.
  5. Re: World Leaders - PBP

  6. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Country: TAC

    Political: We would be interested in joining this alliance and we are sure Cuba can vouch for us
  7. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Country: Japan

    Political: Japan requests an audience with Madagascar.

    Research: Japan is researching space to air weaponry (3 turns).

    Building: Japan is building an air base on Hawaii (2 turns).

    Training: Japan is drafting and training 8k air force troops.

    Military: Japan is sending a fleet of 10 carriers, 12 destroyers, 8 subs and 25 fighter jets (a total of 24k troops) to capture California.

    Military tally
    Japan currently has:
    - 68,000 army troops
    - 54,000 navy troops
    - 36,000 air force troops
    - 12,000 special forces
    - 90 tanks
    - 15 destroyers
    - 8 carriers
  8. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    *space to surface
  9. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Gonna have to invalid that entire count and I will need you to extend that research time.

    EDIT: Your naval and tank count is too high.

  10. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Permission to edit?
  11. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Go ahead
  12. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Country : Cuba

    -Political : Cuba sends a fleet of ships with TAC to go towards King Frederiks Coast with an investigation team.
  13. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Country name: UPAA

    The UPAA requests a meeting with Israel.

    TAC: The UPAA would like to propose a trade offer: The VTOL technology for 150 units of Oil, and will provide the TAC with troops for defensive support for 8 turns.

    Germany: Accept or Deny our Fùtbol challenge?

    Khawlony finishes constructing of 2 Destroyers.
    Atlantis finishes constructing 3 new military factories. (Increases construction time by 50%)
    Tivoli building grand Soccer stadium. (1 turn)
    Cyron begins constructing Troop Transport Fleet (2 turns)
    Tivoli begins constructing 50 Mock 12 Speed Fighter Jets. (2 turns)
    Atlantis begins constructing 50 tanks. (1 turn)
    Khawlong begins construction of large aircraft carrier. (Capable of 50 planes) (4 turns)

    Tivoli training 16 Elite Professional Soccer Players (1 Turn)
    Moosecow begins training 10,000 All-Purpose Infantry Troops. (1 turn)
    Cyron begins training 10 naval crews. (4 turns)

    Current Forces:
    60,700 All-Purpose Infantry
    8,300 Special Force Infantry
    2 High Stealth Submarines
    100 Tanks
    150 Fighters (Mock 12 Speed) -Advanced Pilots
    1 Troop Transport Fleet
    4 Destroyers

    The UPAA is willing to buy advanced technology with 200 units of uranium and 75 units of oil.

    All troops are available for missions.

    -(Secret Move)-
    15,000 All Purpose Military, 2,000 Special Force Troops, and 75 Tanks board the Troop Transport Fleet.
  14. Re: World Leaders - PBP

  15. Re: World Leaders - PBP


    Antartica doesn't have uranium.
  16. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    What are your terms?
  17. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    is my edit ok?
  18. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    In real life, the USA has 10 carriers. You're saying you have 135. lol Carrier and destroyer #too high
  19. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Post edited, better?
  20. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    "The terms are your power, your country, and your life"

    Rustic stand up and walks outside the room. His 50 men stay in the room and point their already locked and loaded rifles at the dictator and his 30 armed men.

    To ensure victory the 3 Blackhawks outside have already taken flight and surround the conference room to which the dictator resides and his Carrier sits 200 miles off cost with it's long range cannons locked onto the room.
    If the 50 men fail to assassinate the dictator and his men then the helicopters will open fire. They will pin the men in to room in place long enought for the cannon fire from the Carrier to Obliterate the room and half of the building.

    Rustic assumes his men can do the job before the helicopters gets involved but even if they fail, his counter plans are solid. He hastily marches to the balcony of the capital and radios his men to gather the people of the island to the capital.
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