Re: World Leaders - PBP France begins construction of Mexican Battleship Facility France begins construction of the Guadalupe Harbor French destroyers finished, sitting in dry docs in Barcelona and Bourges Intercontinental artillery completed in one turn 15k troops completed in one turn. Military base completed in 2 turns. Beginning training of 2 destroyer crews. (3 turns)
Re: World Leaders - PBP Politcal: @UPACC, It can done in either country. It doesn't matter to us. @Brazil, let us have another country mediate our situation. Research: Mexican scientist are looking into insurrection type technology. Mexico's research into naval warfare continues. We are working on making multi-purpose ships. (four more turns) Building: Plans for a nuclear power plant is being drawn up. Construction of a basic submarine is now under way. (3 turns) Rocketship is still under construction. (5 more turns) Troops: Mexico sends the newly built tank transports to the carrier fleets (5 tanks each) The Mexican third carrier fleet sets sail to go to brazil (one turn) Mexican troops(30k troops with 30 tanks) storm into Colombia and Venezuela. Mexico sends 500 personnel over to the under construction Barcelona naval supply depot. Mexico is willing to buy tanks/lavs/APC/planes from other nations. We will allow the transfer of Tokyom to your nation. (3.5x more energy than uranium.)
Re: World Leaders - PBP VTOL tech is advanced aviation tech it is used to create large floating objects such as airborne helicarriers that can stay stationary/ascend/descend in/from the sky or using a propulsion system move that could transport troops planes tanks and everything that a fleet could
Re: World Leaders - PBP Country: Brazil Political: Brazil requests audience with UPAA 5 units of titanium and 10 units of food sent to Ecuador Building: Bunkers finished Airstrip finished Begin construction of large naval base in Culpepper (Galapagos Islands) (4 turns) Begin construction of an Embassy Building at Sao Luis (2 turns) Military: Brazil requests that Ecuador train soldiers in the case of an attack by other countries... won't say any names Training: French Guinans trained in 1 turn Research: Advanced Titanium Processing in 2 turns Other: Brazil sends a cordial invitation to any and every leader. In two turns, the Brazilian Embassy building will be complete. A party will be held there. however, as the kidnapping of the Pope showed, extreme security measures will be taken. The embassy has top-of-the line security, nobody gets in or out unwanted. We hope you can make it!
Re: World Leaders - PBP Nation: None Secret move: Rustic private boat meets with a missing Swedish Carrier. He is met with salutes by the generals on bored. He scans the deck and a smile snakes across his face as he sees his greatest achievement resting on the runway. Five SAS-1's, Swedens revolutionary fighter jets that can travel up to Mack 20 and has the ability to go into and out from space. There is also 6 black hawks resting on the runway. He looks around the Carrier and sees it has been equipped heavily with 10 surface to air missiles and over 20 Anti-Air guns. The Carrier also 3 long distant cannons that can send ordnance over 300 miles out and an anti torpedo defense system. To top off it's state of the art design it also has a radar blocker and a spyware defense log. The Captain of the ship of the ship walks towards the former Swedish Prime Minister to greet him. "With this vessel and these Angels" Rustic speaks as looking at the SAS-1's "We will show the world the error of their ways... Captain, take us to our new home" The Captain salutes Rustic then gives orders to his sailors. The carrier changes it's course and heads to an unknown land mass. *Edit spelling
Re: World Leaders - PBP Japanese troops storm Hawaii. 5k Japanese navy troops and 3k Japanese Air Force troops have captured towns and ports of Hawaii. Japan offers Hawaii a chance to surrender and become a province of Japan.
Re: World Leaders - PBP Mexico and Brazil agree to a deal that is anything less than surreal. We have reached an understanding that after I have Colombia and Venezuela, that I will not target Ecuador as it would further hinder Brazilian security. Mexico will stop its expansion south and our two nations will sign a non-aggression treaty. Mexico will attend the party. A high-level ambassador is sent this time, with one thousand soliders.
Re: World Leaders - PBP Invalid move. How did you get there? What did you use? And you need to give your troops time to get there.
Re: World Leaders - PBP UAE The UAE offers the antarctic people the green code firewall defense system as long as they agree not to sell it on without my permission and for the prior stated deal. (it's getting late hence why I forgot your name)
Re: World Leaders - PBP Country name: UPAA Political: The UPAA requests a meeting with Israel. UAE: The UPAA accepts the UAE's kind offer, and in return allows the UAE to use 300 of their Special Force Troops when needed. Mexico: The research shall be conducted in Mexico then. Our scientists will be armed with a guard only to ensure their safety. Germany: The UPAA is very saddened that they could not communicate with Germany, and responds saying that Germany's FĂștbol team sucks, and that they challenge their team to UPAA's to a match in the new stadium in 3 turns. Building: Khawlony finishes constructing of 2 Destroyers. Atlantis is constructing 3 new military factories. (1 turn) Tivoli begins building grand Soccer stadium. (2 turns) Training: Tivoli begins training 16 Elite Professional Soccer Players (2 Turns) Current Forces: 60,700 All-Purpose Infantry 8,300 Special Force Infantry 2 High Stealth Submarines 100 Tanks 150 Fighters (Mock 12 Speed) -Advanced Pilots 1 Troop Transport Fleet 2 Destroyers Trade: The UPAA is willing to buy firewall systems or defence grids with 200 units of uranium and 75 units of oil. All troops are available for missions.
Re: World Leaders - PBP Country: Brazil Buildings: Airfield in Galapagos in 3 turns Embassy building in 1 turns Begin construction of artillery pieces (3) in an unspecified location (4 turns) Research: Advanced titanium Processing (1 turn) Training: 800 French Guinans trained
Re: World Leaders - PBP Country: Madagascar Introduction: In the 1990s Madagascar is just a small island. With the rise of a new political power during the first decade of the 21 century. It has grown into a minimetropolis with a population of 3 million and growing. The country is now run by a peaceful dictator, named Jon favored by the majority of the population. His mission is of peace and defence. Major Cities: Sarairabe(Capital) Dunhabi Sababew Minor Cities: Funshib Toliairr Wamendi Buildings: Starts building 2 Navy Bases.
Re: World Leaders - PBP Country: None Mission: Three Blackhawks fly towards an island in the Indian Ocean. They land on the lawn of a capital building. The city is Victoria, the Capital of the island nation of Seychelles. Since 2015, the nation has been disarmed and have yet to rebuild a military. Since 2018 the country has been ran by a dictator who is guarded by a force of 30 men with small arms. Once the 2020 crisis occurred the Island nation has fallen on hard time as the Dictator has starved his people in favor of keeping his 30 man security guard spoiled and loyal. The rest of the 100,000 people on the Islands of Seychelles are unemployed and underfed. Most go without basic utilities or adequate food and water. Rustic has set up a meeting with the Dictator to discuss the possible sale of one of his SAS-1's fighter jets. Rustic walks into the Capital building with 50 armed men and informs his counterpart that are there only for protection. Unknown to the dictator is that there is a Carrier with over 1,000 sailors, 500 marines, and over 2 dozen pilots along with 750 scientists, the carrier is circling the island nation. Rustic and his men meet in a large meeting room, opposite of him is the Dictator and his 30 men. Rustic leans forth. "What is it worth, to you, for Seychelles to become the epicenter of a new era, of a - New age in the world? To be the nation that may bring forth the greatest change in all of the world?" The edit was to change a year from 1018 to 2018**
Re: World Leaders - PBP I don't think that's how it works... You don't just get to decide what forts and bases you have when you start, you have to build them. If you start late, then that's your penalty. Or are you allowing him to do that AJ?
Re: World Leaders - PBP Narwhal is correct. You have to build those separately and subtly. There is a clause tho. If you are able to word it perfectly, you can start with some bonuses.