[BETA] World Leaders - PBP

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -IIXII-AJ-IIXII-, Apr 18, 2015.

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  1. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    UAPP boosts the offer to 50 units of steel and will send 250 special force troops that they may use as they'd like for 1 year.
  2. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Japan proposes treaty with the UPAA:

    Japan will provide the UPAA with 150 units of uranium and 25 units of Tokyum in exchange for 1,800 infantry troops and 200 special forces troops for 1 year.
  3. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    The UPAA accept the treaty and say that the research done in Japan did not violate any terms and was only for educational purposes.
  4. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Country Name: The Atlantic Confederacy

    Government: Military Council
    Council made up of 5 Field Marshalls and 5 Admirals (one Marshall and Admiral from each region)

    Capital: London

    Major Cities: London, Edinburugh, Cardiff, Dublin, Belfast

    Minor Cities: Birminghan, Newport, Glasgow, Gawlway, Derry

    Bonus: Advanced Naval units (which were used to subjugate rebels to TACs rule...now used to defend the prosperous Confederacy)

    Natural resources: coal, petroleum, natural gas, iron ore, lead, zinc, gold, tin, limestone, salt, clay, chalk, gypsum, potash, silica sand, slate, livestock

    Imports: Hoping to Import steel to improve its navy

    Export: Looking to trade for mutual benefit

    History/Formation: As the prople of the UK and Ireland watched their governments flail about after the dissolution of the EU one thing became clear. They would be stronger united. While incompetent leaders struggled to deal with outbreaks, the arms race and terrorist attacks, a group of former military leaders from the UK and Ireland meet and decide to take matters into their own hands. They begin to arm themselves and their most loyal troops and orchestrate a coup. They are sucessfull in their endeavour and attempt to unionise the countries under a single banner. A bloody civil war breaks out between those wanting to restore democracy and the military hierachy that is being formed. During this civil war the government now called TAC begins to focus their efforts on building fleets in the controlled port cities of Belfast and Sunderland these fleets eventually bring the rebels to heel. Now that the civil war is over TAC is searching for a place in the uncertain future

    So is TAC in?
  5. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Just gonna leave my turn here because I need sleep ;)

    Country: TAC

    Political: TAC requests audiences with the APAA and France sending Field Marshall Tamas and Admiral Nok as representatives. Field Marshal O'Connell flies to the vatican to meet the pope

    Building: Construction of Biolabs in Dublin begins (3 turns) Construction of an airfield in London begins (2 turns)

    Research: Experts will begin looking into Desalination plants to secure TACs future water sources

    Troops : The Third fleet which will comanded by Admiral Crust, is beginning construction in Belfast, 1000 crewmen for this fleet will be trained and accomadated for in Belfast barracks
    Production of 15 LAVs begins in Derry
  6. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Goal of Post: Mexico would like to know if there is anything Antartica needs.




    Research into armouring is going well. In addition to the framework, we have found ways to apply this to fighters. If any countries would like to help us outfit existing planes with this, let us know.


    Again, Mexico adds a new logistical arm to its armed forces. Mexico is willing to pay money to allow Mexican personnel small facilities on your existing facilities for resupplying Mexican forces.
  7. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Country name: UPAA

    Mexico: The UPAA would be willing to buy the the advanced vehicle armour technology for tanks with large amounts of uranium.

    Tivoli completes construction of an air base
    Tivoli begins construction of 100 fighter jets capable of Mock 12 (1 turn)
    Narwick is constructing 2 mining facilities for faster collection of minerals. (1 turn)
    Moosecow is constructing an army base. (2 turns)

    Cyron completes construction of 2 High Stealth Submarines
    Atlantia begins training of 20,000 all-purpose infantry. (1 turn)
    Tivoli begins training 200 pilots (2 turns)

    -(Secret Move)-
    The UPAA is finding uses for the Tokyum chemical to be used in spy missions and be untraceable.
  8. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    (Just for my reminder/others)
    Current Forces:
    18,200 Infantry
    200 Special Forces Infantry
    100 Tanks
    2 High Stealth Submarines
    50,000 "reserves"
  9. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    After giving the Tokyum gas some thought, Toykum must be a non-alkali metal to create Tokyum Hexafloyride, because of the fact that compounds (covalent bonds) are produced non-alkali metal elements.

    However, if it is not, it doesn't matter BECAUSE it's been in play for too long to critique, and chemistry shouldn't be required to play. Just observations.
  10. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    The first of three submarines sees it's completion. Two others are very close behind it, and crews nearly finished as well. Advanced fighter jets production is on schedule. Troop training has provided much knowledge, and it running on schedule.
  11. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Sri Lanka recruits 500 navy marines, with each 50 on 1 ship
  12. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Uhm, from where? And when did they train? Where did the ships come from? Where were the ships built?
  13. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Sri Lanka recruits 500 navy marines which trained in Colombo and the ships were from rajapaksa port.
  14. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    When were the troops trained and ships build?
  15. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Maybe that post needs to be invalidated :/
  16. Re: World Leaders - PBP

  17. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Agrees to send 5 ambassadors to meet the Pope with an armed guard.

    The construction of the artillery piece has finished. A naval ship yard is being built between Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

    50 of the advanced fighters are being trained along with a further 10k troops. And another 100 tanks.

    Advanced firewall research has finished.
    A orbital weapons research programme is beginning consisting of a orbital missile platform (5 turns)
    Orbital laser platform (4 turns)
    Sun mirror (not known how many)
    Surface to space weapons(anti orbital weapons) 3 turns
  18. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Post invalidated for the construction of way too many advanced things at once (4)
  19. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Only the research though the rest is valid right?
  20. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Yes, only the research
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