Shootings - Is Protesting Fair?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Seth, Apr 16, 2015.

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  1. This guy is on a low level of existence but believes he is so high up
  2. Dear god....MIND CONTROL? How casually you mention something so diabolical. You often are put into a situation where you forcefully control someone's mind?

    Teach me.
  3. I personally think that protesting and rallying for a just cause are two different things. Using your Ferguson shootings as an example, this was a situation where police brutality was unneeded, and was very clear to the officer, but he took it upon himself to use brute force to "solve" the situation. Police officers are taught to try to end conflict and only use force in extreme cases. So why shoot someone who is unarmed? What is their just cause?

    That is why people are up in arms. This incident yes, did gain fame because of the racism involved,and I feel media have now branded any sort of violence or shootings officers do as "brutality".Sometimes it's necessary to use just force, and sometimes it's not.

    I feel it is within a citizen's right to protest an unjust act done within their community (freedom of speech). I think it is right for people with similar views to get together and express their opinion (freedom of assembly). But I do not feel it is right for people who are in arms about the conduct of Ferguson police officers, to take UP arms or become violent.

    In the end both sides want to be understood. This is a conversation that needs to be had, and something that will remain an issue until a peaceful solution can be worked out.

    When protesting resorts to riots and looting, no, I am against that 100%.

    Anyways, my two cents on the issue.
  4. Are you black or what? The idiot from Ferguson was fighting with the cop trying to steal his gun.
  5. Black or what is irrelevant n ignorant.
    Your bias is obvious.
    Civil anarchy is unacceptable.
    Looting n destruction of property is not a form of protest that is tolerated.
    Heated situations can easily erupt without proper measures taken or questionable use of force. Those that incite riots r at fault. There is underlying issues at play here n the animosity n hatred did not happen overnight.
  6. Hell just saying the word race is racist. Think of people as all one race that's why if there are aliens we'd call aliens an alien RACE. Race implies that blacks whites Hispanics etc. are all different species. We are not. We are all human. And those that choose to seperate people by calling them different races don't even realize how messed up that is. Also those that preach tolerance are the most intolerant of all(had to add that). Just my two cents.
  7. Actually you are wrong Balto specie=/=race. All humans are a single specie but different races: caucazians,.blacks, Asians.
  8. It's like me owning an chihuahua and be like "how dare you to call my chihuahua an chihuahua? My chihuahua is not a chihuahua! My chihuahua is DOG! You racist piece of ****!"

  9. First of all, no I'm not black. Secondly, there was more than one Ferguson shooting, and several other cases where the person was unarmed. The thing is like I said, media made this into a race issue when this situation occurs for both black and white people. I'm not saying an officer shouldn't use force but only as a last resort. Police shouldn't have to beat up anyone, at least not to the extreme that is being shown by cases portrayed on the news.
  10. Its Caucasian Negroid n Mongoloid.
    Try a lil harder next time lol

    The simple fact the media uses racial terms is an issue n inflames situations. Ppl simply cannot be described as ppl as the media chooses to brand ppl by race. Best advice is ignore the media n lettem hurt in the pocket.
    Ppl have names n they should be used only.
  11. then why is it called the human race? I'm working with technicalities here and I will prove I'm the only non racist. Also calling people racist is being intolerant of their views 0.0 well now I've boxed myself in a corner with that statement naw I'd be okay with being called intolerent. But I digress, I'm a walking rebuttal to my own statements.
  12. you'd call it A chihuahua not AN chihuahua. Also yes we could get into dog racism but then we'd have to also put Michael Vick in jail for life just like Aron Hernandez is. A life is a life Vick got only a couple years for harming numerous dogs while Hernandez gets life in jail for harming only one life? Different circumstances yes but a life is a life can't spin it any other way.
  13. Here's a better title "is fairness fair?"
  14. @Balto we are all part of human specie. But we are also very different. White people looks different than asians or blacks. It is how it is. We are split in different races. We can, or atleast, we should be able to call each other "white", "black", "asians" as long is not used in a derogatory context. Same as is fair and also correct to call your dog a pitbull is fair and also correct to call me a white guy. We are diference races, each race having pros and cons.
  15. How about simply using names.
    Any problem with that?
  16. "Cop John has shoot Mike in the back while resisting arrest" don't have same effect as "A white cop has shoot a black kidd"
  17. "Think us all as one race."

    That applies only to people who want to feel better about it all. I like comparing this situation to a marriage. The male cheats on the female. They stay together. Later on, the male tries to justify that what he did is ok now because he happened a long time ago. "Its in the past now."

    African-Americans gained the right to vote 55 years ago, even though we already had that right. And even after that, some states tried to hinder African Americans to vote. 55 years ago. That's not that far away.

    Slavery was abolished 150 years ago. Yet, the huge weight or racism didn't die until around the 80s.
  18. You're right.

    When the authorities went to confront Eric Garner over the $1.1 million in fees he owed the government for selling lose cigarettes, he should have went along peacefully and resolved the issue in court. Instead, he resisted. Not only did Garner resist, hundreds of his black friends swarmed the neighborhood, surrounded the authorities, pointed loaded weapons at them, and threatened to kill law enforcement officers if Garner were arrested. It was a flagrant display of total disregard for the law. To make matters worse, the liberal media was calling Garner a "hero" and a "patriot" for resisting arrest and threatening violence against the authorities.

    Oh, wait. That was Cliven Bundy, the white rancher in Nevada, and Fox News. My bad.
  19. I think some of you are missing the bigger picture.

    It's not just the fact that so many unarmed blacks are being killed by the police that has blacks upset. It's the systemic and selective targeting of blacks by authorities for the purpose of making money off of them.

    The police in Ferguson (and many other towns) essentially camp in black neighborhoods and look for any excuse (or sometimes just make one up) to arrest and issue citations to blacks.

    "In 2013, the municipal court in Ferguson (population 21,135) issued 32,975 arrest warrants for nonviolent offenses, mostly driving violations. In 2013 Ferguson collected $2.6 million in court fines and fees. It was the city's second-biggest source of income."

    And once you're in the system, it just gets worse. You start racking up fees and fines. If you can't pay, you get more fees and fines or jail time.

    "In 2013, the St. Louis County and City municipal courts acquired more than $61 million in fines and fees. This accounted for almost 50 percent of all fines and fees collected by the municipal courts in the state of Missouri, even though just 22 percent of the state resides in the St. Louis County area. Overall, St. Louis County is 24 percent black and 11 percent of its population lives below the poverty line, but the top 21 municipalities in the area collected one-third of their revenue from court fines and fees. They were 62 percent black on average, with 22 percent of the population living below the poverty line" ... ht-courts/

    It's not new and it's not just in Ferguson. It's been going on for years and all over the south. In Georgia and 10 other states they use private for-profit probation companies to run what one judge called a “judicially sanctioned extortion racket.” How much they make depends on how much they can squeeze from probationers, so they squeeze the hell out of them. And the police and courts help them ... ights-poor

    Is protesting fair, or "morally right"?

    If they were doing this crap in white, middle class neighborhoods, there would be riots like you wouldn't believe. You'd have police departments and courthouses being surrounded by armed, angry white people. There would be outrage by the media. But because it goes on in mostly poor, mostly black neighborhoods, few people care and the crap has been going on for years.
  20. Ok, i get it. Blacks don't know how to drive.
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