Happy Birthday/Call for help

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -IIXII-AJ-IIXII-, Apr 16, 2015.

  1. Hello all! I'm here to tell you that it's a player's birthday today. Normally, I wouldn't have made this player a birthday thread. But, she is testing me:

    So, without further ado, allow me to tell you a bit about her.

    Kimmeh is the owner of the clan I currently am being held captive in, CN(Still can't spell it. I use her name as a link to the clan.)

    Happy birthday!

    Here is a list of people who had something nice to say about you:


    Here's a little bio:

    Her clan members know her as a very difficult woman. When she isn't ordering the clan around, she's secretly manipulating everyone into doing things that they think they want, but, she wants. For example. To the outsiders looking in, she is a very loving woman. Just like the mermaids, she has used her soothing voice and her womanly charms to woo men(And women!) into joining the clan. (I haven't fallen victim to this. I'm in clan for another reason.)[/center]

    You see the guy in blue in the SS? Hunter? He has fallen victim to this. I just. I'm not sure how to help this clan anymore. One guy even joked about her birthday today:

    *Don't notice my comment*

    That guy's comment didn't fly so well. He's uh. At this place we call, the MC. (Before I explain, there is only one type of physical pain she gives us. Err. Nvm that.)

    She has a looping track with her voice saying, "You will obey." You get no food. No water. Nothing, until you agree.

    I hope this short documentary will prompt those on the outside to send us aid. *This is all I feel at liberty to say.

    Happy birthday Kimmeh. You know I love you. <3
  2. Kimmeh has a nice butt. Happy Birthday Kimmeh!!
  3. AJ actually doing something good? haha jk Happy birthday Kimmeh
  4. Happy Birthday!

  5. Hath no one concern for our safety and well being?!

    K_C! I expected better!
  6. Kimmeh is a noob, happy birthday!

  7. Stop with shark eb stuff already
  8. Dude KC posted on a normal thread? Wut

    Happy Birthday Kimmeh
  9. Happy birthday Kim^_^. I think Aj is just mad that Kim gives me more attention... and water! :lol:
  10. Happy birthday whoever you are 
  11. Happy Birthday person I've never talked to and barely know!!!!!!
  12. Happy birthday Nooblet
  13. I am super jealous of the "Extra" attention. Those whipping sessions sound intense
  14. Wait til yall go to the dungeon...Now that's where the fun really happens! Happy birthday, Kim!★₡λEÐłMU$ ₦Ø₡ŦU★
  15. Happy Birthday Kim. Sorry I give you a hard time the other 364 days! Ill be good today. No other clan has hosted me for this many months, so much respect for you. Hope your day is going great and hope all your dreams come true.
  16. Ki-dim-us nock-too
  17. Happy Birthday to the best owner evaaa
  18. Damn it! Don't give her any ideas!!! :cry: :shock: