Tl;dr - A masterfully tryhard thread. So it must be good, right? Support. I did read it, don't worry.
With the PvP event ongoing and the good bad n ugly son your minds, I thought I'd bump this again. Lmk if you guys like this system better then the old.
Jenni, I know this is a little thing, but please take the apostrophe out of the "pirates" in the title. Just plural, not possessive. And I support
Support this sounds very fun. Different member from different clans being put into a team together, I like this idea
Gonna say what I said before, good idea, like it all, but rewards need to be rethinked. Too much stuff for p2p with the chests AND the bags
I love the mechanics of a round based team PvP sounds extremely fun and cuts out the monotony of a 2 week plunder war. Though, I think we should only get maybe a sword or maybe something for shoulders seeing as event eq hasn't covered those areas. Banners would be cool but would make the event later down the road seeing as we are in a banner event now. However, I would thoroughly enjoy this event should it come to pass. Love this idea!