official unofficial jilari clinton mirin thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by saltyfeet, Apr 12, 2015.

  1. Statless alt
  2. Yep
  3. What I find most interesting is that there are a lot of Americans that do not vote based on a person's policies.

    I find that in the case of Hillary her biggest selling point is that she is a woman and America can make history. It's this type of profiling that put Obama in office.

    Voters seem to stop paying attention to those they vote for after their campaigns. Obama has proven to be more of a dictator than a president of the United States. In the last few months he has attempted to muscle his way through to pass his agenda before his terms are over.

    He negotiated the release of 5 high level terrorist for an American soldier now on trial for desertion. America does not negotiate with terrorist, it shows weakness. Now the terrorist know they get better reactions and results for taking American hostages.

    He has successfully managed to push his health care reform that not only made American debt 1T more but he also charges individuals $ for not buying insurance. The people were not given a choice and don't have a choice, you either pay for insurance or the IRS charges you; I feel bad for those that can't afford either.

    The latest in the Obama's regime is his attempt to give millions of illegal immigrants amnesty allowing them to take American's jobs and flood the employment market with cheap labor, this is horrible for the middle and low class.

    Lastly, Obama is trying to bypass congress and not even allow them to review and way in on a deal with Iran. What is Obama trying to hide from the American people?

    It was the result of people voting based on ethnicity that led to the mess America is in. I will admit that all presidents make mistakes; however, these mistakes were made because people don't pay attention.

    This brings me back to Hillary, the one who is so wrapped up in scandals that her only selling point is that she is a woman. The worst part is people are buying it and not looking at the possible consequences of making such a decision. She is a typical member of the corrupt Washington machine that sucks a lot of politicians into it.

    My point in all this is to educate yourself on the people you vote for, don't listen to the garbage they spew, they are just acting like car salesmen and promoting themselves and smashing their competitors. Instead, look at what political moves they have made in the past, look at the people they cling to and their history. Then after you vote and the person takes office, watch what they do; hold them accountable for the mistakes they make.
  4. One of the best posts I've read in a long time. brilliant!
    And not just because you're in my clan and a friend of mine. It is dead on.
    Ok, you can stay in Hog for another week now. 
  5. I don't even know what this thread is even about.... But this meme is beautiful
  6. Nobody knows what this thread is about, it isn't really legible.
  7. I moar shur[/quote
    Shur up
  8. Jeb Obama ftw!
  9. @Nate... You are so right. People do need to educate themselves when its about voting. Most Democrats will vote for democrate candidate no matter how moron it is, most republicans are voting for republican candidate no matter how moron it is. This makes the electoral "fight" to resume on couple "key" states.
  10. Dude, Obama is left. You are an UKIP fan boy, therefore on right side of political spectrum.