Volleying: An Outdated Concept?

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by LHL_LegendaryEons_LHL, Apr 14, 2015.

  1. Since a few people have posted how KaW can appeal to newer players, I figure I can give my two cents.

    What is Volleying?

    For those of you who don't know, have been living under a rock, or are new to the game, volleying is when 2 or more people spam hire someone in order to generate gold for said player. This helps them to upgrade, and allows them also to have someone to guide them.

    The Problem(s) with Volleying

    However, when it comes to volleying, there are a few things that can happen.

    First of all:
    Spam Notifications

    Usually it can take anywhere from 100-200 hires to get to a price suitable for someone new to upgrade. That means for each hire, you get a notification. And well, personally I find that annoying just being the one doing the volleying. I can't imagine how the new player feels. Not knowing how to play, and suddenly BAM! 100 notifications.

    Secondly, the concept that we are having to spam hire is bad for our older players too. How many times have you been stuck with a new ally who ends up going inactive because the game wasn't for them?

    Thirdly, the income for hiring players is capped off at 1m/hire. This is good so people don't exploit it, but honestly is 50m going to help anyone? It might get you 5-6 buildings at most. You won't even be able to hire many allies at anywhere under a bil anymore. And allies are a requirement to grow.

    My Proposed Solution

    Eliminate the volleying altogether. Remove inactives who are under 50m asking price. (3 months w/o logging in) Give the new players starting gold (like say, 200m) and suggest routes they can take with their build based on current mechanics. Explain what each one brings to the table. Teach the importance of allies and epic battles for growth. Why have this hiring war, when this does essentially the same thing, and it is better for all involved?! Also put players starting price at 500m, and eliminate the money for hire system.

    This way we can still keep the "A new player has entered KaW!" notifications, but eliminate the hassle and problems that come with the Volley system.

    I would also suggest a better tutorial with a gold reward based system, as well as the basics of war mechanics and pvp, instead of the Volley system to generate gold.

    Let me know what you think below.

  2. So we can read
  3. Changed colors so they are easier to see.
  4. Volleying is how new players sucessfully start the game, why would you want to eliminate it? It has no negative impact on anyone. And please don't use that color blue again.
  5. Apparently you didn't read. Volleying teaches a player nothing. It's annoying for both parties involved. Instead make a better tutorial and reward them for completing it.
  6. Only thing I understand is this will not be #eagledlockedforlackofeffort.


    Good thread, don't know how effective it will be cause 200 mil is still too low. There is no way to fix gold inflation, unless devs take it out by themselves. Just too hard for new players to get started, unless the few good souls left are willing to seal for them.
  7. I would not be sure on an actual amount of gold to start them with. It has been a long time since I've made a new account but with a couple people I've helped to start playing, I'm taking their advice and thoughts to heart.
  8. Apparently I did. A new player won't want to learn if they can't make progress in the game, which is where volleying comes in. And if you knew anything about the game or ATA, you would know that the devs aren't going to add any new "tutorials" or even consider anything in this thread.

    And if you don't want a potentally inactive ally or notification spam, simply don't volley people. Problem solved.
  9. You do realise if you're into the volleying business, you can stand to make billions if not even a trill in a week by just volleying players up.

    It's a great gold generator that can get new players that but extra gold or even allow old players to help grow new players.

    If you removed volleying and gave every new player 200mil then they are missing out on billions which can be earned. No it's not out dated and you're pointing out is the "spam notification" as being a issue
  10. Costs no money or regens only time

  11. The issue down to its core is this:

    I suggested to give players a starting hire price of 500m, when they complete the tutorial. That way money can still be made by the people trying to help, but it eliminates the constant hire wars.

    To the argument of you don't like it, don't do it:

    This isn't about me. This for the new players who are FORCED to do this because we have a crappy tutorial, if you just give them t he gold to begin with for completing tasks, about learning the game, you essentially achieve the same effect and the player learns much more.
  12. Ally trading and volleying is the same thing, they are exactly the same in game system....
  13. Why remove a source of gold for ppl?
  14. I edited my first statement to reflect the feedback.

  15. They also said that about EE wars and new lands, last year, but look what happened. Changed, based on feedback.
  16. May I ask why? Constructive criticism would help more than a simple no.
  17. That tutorial could be a nice addition to the game, but removing volleying would mean the entire ally system would have to be changed significantly - which is unwanted.
    Volleying is far too core to the game, and it spans a lot more than the initial noob volley.

  18. Changing the concept of volleying doesn't mean ally trading removal or the gold to be gained. It just eliminates the initial 100-150 hires a new player has to go through eliminating work on both sides
  19. I've used many a seal on new players and I can tell you it's pointless.