Riddle: What Am I?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -WillyTheDeuce-, Apr 14, 2015.

  1. Re: Riddle Me This.....

  2. Re: Riddle Me This.....

    The clown looks like joker...
  3. Re: Riddle Me This.....

  4. Re: Riddle Me This.....

    Hmm. I think the answer might be more closer to the Prisoners Dilemma answer. The best option is to play it safe and no one say the sentence. Therefore allowing us prisoners to serve out our time safely. I dont know the answer to the riddle that allows anyone to escape, so that would be my plan.
    Happy to be a henchman to some other criminal mastermind that could free us all, but you **** it up, I'll shank ya....

    Ps. Unless its seths answer about us all being in the lobby when we got in....thats cool too.
  5. Re: Riddle Me This.....

    Nobody is right, yet.

    Except Ashes...he knows I always drop the soap.

    I offer a hint: Try appointing a "lead" prisoner who has a different role than the rest of the prisoners.
  6. Re: Riddle Me This.....

    I seem to remember doing this at school at some point. Your hint jogged my memory.
    When they meet, they nominate one leader.
    When a prisoner is called in, they turn the light on (unless the light is already on or they have already turned it on themselves). Whenever the leader is called in, they turn it off. This is repeated 99 times so the leader can be sure that all the other prisoners have been called in. Only then can the leader say that thing.
    This might not be the quickest way, but it's the only one I could think of and it definitely works.
    PS: I want a prize...
  7. Re: Riddle Me This.....

    Rightfully need a prize...
  8. Re: Riddle Me This.....

    Not sure if that's sarcasm or not...
  9. Re: Riddle Me This.....


    And congrats on knowing something from school. Recanting an answer from memory is proof your intellect surpasses those who had never heard this riddle before.


    Make one of the prisoners the "lead" prisoner. This prisoner is the ONLY one who is allowed to turn the light off.

    Each time any of the other prisoners goes into the lobby, if the light is off, they will turn the light on, but only if they've never turned it on before. This means that each prisoner will only ever turn the light on once.

    Meanwhile, every time the lead prisoner goes into the lobby, he will turn the light off if it's on. He will keep track of the number of times he has turned the light off.

    Once the lead prisoner turns off the light for the 99th time, he knows that every other prisoner has turned the light on once (and thus has been in the lobby). At this point, he may say that all the prisoners have been to the lobby, and they will all go free.
  10. Re: Riddle Me This.....

  11. Re: Riddle Me This.....

    Do another riddle
  12. Re: Riddle Me This.....

    :( more
  13. Re: Riddle Me This.....

    rashumfrashum fiiiine.... *puts away shiv*
  14. Re: Riddle Me This.....

    I am not satisfied.
  15. Re: Riddle Me This.....

    Umm... Willy, the fact that I remembered the answer means that I've solved it before...
    So... Thanks. I guess?
  16. Re: Riddle Me This.....

    You want a trophy. Stop gloating.
  17. Re: Riddle Me This.. [UPDATED]

    New riddle is up. Hack away! Google! Think!!
  18. Re: Riddle Me This.. [UPDATED]

    Take the hat off and look at it?
  19. Re: Riddle Me This.. [UPDATED]

    The person behind tells the person in front of them the colour of their hat by saying red or blue. before they give the answer. Which is where the 99 comes from leaving that 1 guy with no one behind him.

    He has to randomly guess his colour hat, which means it could save all of them.
  20. Re: Riddle Me This.. [UPDATED]

    Willy doesn't love me... 