Good Bye Leaving Kaw

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by lavueltadeleo, Apr 13, 2015.

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  1. Why don't you quit already then and stop replying?

    Oh because you're seeking attention and likely lying.

    I see.
  2. Nice sheets
  3. As you can tell by the clothing in the background shelves, it's not my room, unless perhaps I am a cross dresser.
  4. I couldn't tell by the clothes. I looked for panties but alas, there was none (are we surprised).
  5. Plz do something about the trolls xD
  6. Such as OP?
  7. Yep
  8. 5 cancers omg so HARDCORE
  9. Don't quit.

    Anyone that leaves without:
    Starting drama with as many people/clans as possible, sabotaging an EE war, getting perm silenced, then perm forum banned, drops build and hires allies off of people in ee/osw, and finally resetting then deleting the app will get no respect from me.

    All or none man.

    Next time don't suck at this.
  10. 5 cancers? Dayum man. Respect if your not lying but knowing you you probably are so byeeee op don't forget to take your fans with you.
  11. Just because of all those responses to op post, I believe forum should be disabled and turned into read only place to post ATA announcements.

    If you don't know op personally, you should not comment on his alleged situation.

    Mods, pls lock it. To many disrespectful responses.
  12. My post got deleted from this thread? Bs mods :|

  13. Well not going as far as prevent post on forums I think people should know when to stop, making fun about cancer for kali or familial loss for fury is not the same as trolling harbinger on his massive strip. People like Troll-machine are actually quite funny and make forum enjoyable while you wait for your next regeneration. However this thread is just going to far and mods should sth about it.
  14. No ones making anyone else read the forums. If you dont like the conversation in the thread then dont read it. Its that easy.
  15. Seriously why hasnt a mod locked this?

    Why do people have to be so nasty on this game? Who cares if someone is lying about their life? Its the internet, don't act so shocked.
  16. Well some ppl have no class n thats that
  17. So I actually read the whole thing. I am going to lock it as the whole thread has been flaming and spammy and off topic in tangents; but I will say I don't believe the OP has 5 different types of cancer all at the same time. The odds of that actually happening are very very slim, so I'm skeptical. I'm also curious as to how a photo of a supposed scar and the word KAW proves anything? No way to tell if it is even the true OP. In any case true or false is irrelevant. Enjoy your real life OP in any state that it is.
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