Hit range is ridiculous.

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Rising_Star, Apr 11, 2015.

  1. Change the game so you can hit back. Successfully 

  2. I like how you respond to Narc but won't respond to inferno

    You scared lil boi
  3. Huge kingdoms in the early days were 500k cs. You mean the middle era, after plunder wars.

    This is a prime example of what this thread means. That difference in stats make it impossible for Narc to fight back.
  4. Perfectly said Alison. As much as people like to believe in a fair system it is obviously flawed with a now out of date mechanic.
  5. I ran some quick tests a week ago go see what my hit range was. Turns out that it was roughly 6.1x my size. (That was excluding the decent amount of BFA that the people I was trying to hit had)

    If we were to factor in the BFA then it could possibly bump it up to 6.5x or 7x my size that are able to hit me.

    At this stage we're talking about a 60mill cs+ build hitting someone who is just over 11mill cs. Seems completely and utterly fair doesn't it?

    Emails support about this and got nothing but a default response from them too.
  6. I posted something on an earlier page that doesn't seem to have registered with many...

    By reducing the hit range to stop people hitting you, you are also reducing the number of potential targets you have. The more 'effective' the hit range, the less targets you'll have.

    It stands to reason that the bigger your account, the less players there are at your level. Imagine another filter like this pvp event. How many targets will there then even be for the very biggest players?

    Whilst there is surely scope for some kind of fix, only the devs would know how many accounts each potential fix would have in any one bracket, and whether this would be good for the game in the long run.
  7. The hit range is indeed ridiculous
  8. I understand your sentiment, OP. But the plunder earned through attacks & steals act as a deterrent for big builds to attack small builds in both PvP events and in estoc wars.

    But if it's a PvP outside the system (either individual PvP or OSW), you don't have a choice but to either fight it out sensibly or sue for peace or ask your clanmate equal in CS to handle the issue. Nevertheless, the system encapsulates a protection mechanism as a deterrent for big accounts to pick on smaller accounts. Outside the system, it's a different matter.

    With the release of the new lands and higher tier buildings the gap seems larger. Keep in mind that spy building stats are taken on a different scale than attack stats. So simply adding spy and attack stats into a total CS and comparing it to your CS doesn't work. The mechanics range is still 6x your CS (lower to higher)