Maybe you have to beat an eb for it This idea is funny cause devs would do this before fixing stuff lol
I want to listen to Takeover by Jay-z, seems rather appropriate.. Oh and before I forget... Inb4/eagle
Well maybe not special to one person but special as in that's the only time you get to hear it. Sorta like victory music as a reward
Look seriously now guys, do you really think ata is gonna pay for copyrights or whatevs on the music you guys want to be put on their servers? Cos if it's uploaded music from our harddrives, that would count as public broadcasting which is also against copyrights. biiig can of legal worms here. Sounds great, would neeeeveeerr happen /eagle
Thes piz of trash neber likes anithin. Just clogs threads with pessimism and bs. Neber probides nothin
I know some music would be copyrighted but 1. there's ways around that (legal ways) and 2. not all music is copyrighted Also, users could submit their own music to be used
Dude you have a device with your entire media library on it . Why would I want to listen to someone else's crap music