I will start onorin a few plaiers who maik kaw a better place for us all. In this instalment, i will talk about tron. Yes, that one. This guy is in nother lebol. He is knowledgeable... He nos uat to do. Jes no begginer and nos jow to maximize and stuff... But hes cibilized so he'll listen to ur bs. Eben if ur disrespectful... Then he trashes and disregards u... And moves on to destroy the next chump asap... Tron deserves recognition even tho he doesnt nid anithin from u chumps. Truly a champ. Now hold hands with me( only if ur a gerl) and lets sing praise to tron. All hail mighty tron all hail!
I see it now, he replaces his v with b, quick right it down in the salty to english translation book!
Must drive you nuts having to fix your autocorrect all the time to fake your bad grammar...lol I'm surprised your phone hasn't just turned off and sent you a message saying "I'll turn back on once you grow up" In all seriousness how can you expect anyone to post opinions on something they can't even read?
Lol cute alt. so teeny In all seriousness what is the point of this thread could you translate it to english rather than Ebonics?
Ebonics is a recognized language in the United States as of 1998, much to my shagrin. What's funny is they way you purposely misspell words could be defined as a branch of Ebonics