
Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by PlTBULL, Apr 4, 2015.

  1. So as you all know android users dont get the pleasure, term used in sarcasm, to hear the music while we play.
    That being said, I wonder if the devs would consider making a cc Jukebox that the owner and admins can control. The songs would be on a central server conrtrolled by the devs, an.admin can pick a song and it would play in cc. It might help to waken people up and be a little more active in cc.
    Please feel free to post any and all remarks on this topic.
  2. I have a galaxy 5 and I can listen to music while I kaw. What device are you on?
  3. Kyocera torque
  4. Try muting kaw ambient sound
  5. I think it's a great idea. Kaw is a social warring game! Nothing says social like some good music
  6. Ummm wut?
  7. Uhm nope No Support, if a person wants to listen some music then he can listen his own music what he got in his device.
    But yeah would be great if DEVS include some theme song on devices :!: