Update to Scroll Drops

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Mar 27, 2015.

  1. No, unneeded scrolls wont drop
  2. Support
  3. No support, peeps sound just have there hidden alts pound each other
  4. NO!
  5. Sooooo war update?
  6. Thanks for taking my excess scrolls of no need, thanks for the mythil. As a thought for the useless equipment that is no longer needed or used how bout a system that would allow us to trade other players( or noobs that need it) for $, or inferno/aqua, mith, scrolls, other equipment, or etc. Just a thought tho
  7. Better might have been, rather than to eliminate the scroll drops for enchanted items, to allow multiples of the number of scrolls initially necessary to enchant the equipment to enchant it to higher levels. So, let's say that you need 10 scrolls to enchant something to begin with. Then you can enchant it up to L11 with aqua and inferno. And then you could enchant it to L12 with 10 more scrolls, and to L13 with 20 more scrolls, etc. Would be good to make these difficult goals to enchant equipment, would keep the Scrag EBs interesting for a long time to come.
  8. Looks like creative got hold of the admin account again
  9. Why not just have scrolls that are based on tiers instead of a specific individual eq?
  10. Takes no skill to play tap tap all day 
  11. Thank you, this is extremely handy cause often enough when doing ss trying to get a helm scroll, i end up getting another ring scroll when my talon ring is already lvl 11. I am very grateful for this change for now i will no longer be taunted by these useless drops
  12. Keep it uP dev your doing great
  13. Thanks Dev's this is a good incentive to keep playing, cheers
  14. Are x3 drops for ss and ts scrolls still in affect? Ever since I good mithril for my excess ring scrols I have had 0 scroll drops for helm, boots, relic or chest even though I have finished 12+ ss/ts since then.
  15. Seems we're back where we were before with scroll drops. C'mon devs
  16. Only seems less now that redundant scrolls r not dropped n r not replaced with other scrolls. Random is still random.
  17. Since the discontinuation of the excess scroll drops the total number of drops has reverted back to the original drop rate or less,the devs need to revisit the program for scroll drops.Drops are random I understand that but looking at the total dropped per eb is definitely down to the original drop rate.
  18. AFF drop only 1 scroll or not even any scroll drop. Is The X3 rate still available or back to those olds day??!!!!
  19. Do aSoF if u want scroll drops or live with redundant random drops not happening
  20. People understand most drops are not shown because people have the eq enchanted already? .-.