Stripped Hansels Can't Say No S5 Recruitment

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by DotNet, Feb 3, 2015.

  1. Salty is a KotFE Alt btw. Peace.
  2. Very true
  3. Support :)

    This clan has potential to get on top in LB,

    i recommend you guys to try new ways to make yourselves better before s5 starts, and in the process we all learn more.

    And for god sake stop complaining about our roster, using ps1 isn't an exploit. You can always try the same or something new, its not like s3 where few clan has all bsh ,ssh filled and others don't.
    Bfa/bfe doesn't count, there are plenty of other warriors with same build but maybe don't have the same experience or bfe/bfa, may have potential to give us a tough competition and beat us.

    Although i hold grudges against BG/FO because of earlier experiences and forum talks, I feel they have been trying new stuff,improving and have also succeeded in defeating us.

    Its best everyone tries out there roster beforehand so you know what you need to build up and require for season 5. Sylver has been warring and observing the whole time and she tells us what we require according to that, so we are a step ahead right now,there is still time,if you guys try now, there is no reason why you cant give us a tough competition.

    Cheers -DotNet- , All the best to your clan :) See you on the battlefield ;)

  4. Well said n totally agree
  5. Thnx bud :)
  6. Thx guys
  7. What sort of Hansel build wall me
  8. What's a PS1? I've just come back online and I think I've missed S3 and S4. I'm looking for a war clan. Wall me. I'm ok at war I think.
  9. Can someone tell doom he blocked me b4 idk when?
  10. How did you war since Pre season and so many countless other clans if you have that fairy ass bfe o_O

    Or are you just an alt? I dunno but interesting
  11. You guys have warred in a week? What's going on man.
  12. Ive been busy/we tried and got a no match twice
  13. He said warred not won big difference to participate and not win/get rewards vs being bfe joke acct