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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Can I have some build help plz? Pm me
  2. TRON is Guild/SOS Hansel Master of Grey Squirrel Style. Wall me if needed...
  3. Ignore this twit.

    Depends on what you want to do with your build
  4. At first glance you appear to be building a Hansel.
    Continuing that is simple. Keep one attack build on ll, a coe I believe, and fill in the rest with maxed sos. Lvl1 are useless, don't bother with that route.
    For hl and HF, vols and ice trees.
    Finally, abyss lands. These are end game (currently) so I'd suggest putting spy towers here. Even if you don't war, towers are good to have just in case.
  5. What is the fastest way to grow without spending money as small as I am
  6. Join a starter clan like toxic sushi (many more out there) and they will guide you :D unlock 9 lands, build 2 forges lv3 and rest guilds lv2. Keep unlocking lands and build lv2 guilds
  7. Can somebody follow me and teach me how to war and osw?
  8. Warring isn't too hard of a concept, and at your size most that you will get matched with/ against will just wing it, best way to learn is by experience
  9. Alright thx
  10. How to war, I suppose you mean ee. Try an indi war, any good wc will show you the basics in the period before war start.
    As for osw, its simple. Hit the other guys unless you see a name in the ca, then hit the guy in the ca.
  11. Calm down fake ninja!
  12. My phone and computer were stolen .I have been off for a year and would like to resume my old player how can I? I kno who did this !
  13. Email support@athinkingape.com and ask them what they can do
  14. Why won't the pics load on any of wulf's guides anymore? Anyone else having this problem, or is it just me? What can be done to fix the issue if anything, it's been at least two months now
  15. Its not you. Its everyone. Most likely its because whatever the site the pics were hooked up to is either unavailable or having issues. I don't see it being a KaW problem.
  16. It's not just you. Either whatever was storing the pictures has deleted them, or forums doesn't support those images anymore. Don't expect them to be updated, Wulf doesn't to that.
  17. He does update them, but he's (might) currently be in osw soooo finding time to do that is difficult
  18. What is an EE war? Is there a thread created where I can read on it and become knowledgable on it?
  19. Estoc Edge, read guides and wars forums.

    System wars.
  20. I've read the EE guide with much interest
    - Do people war at my tier (250k cs with little bfe / bfa and only able to cast the 1 mith spells)?
    - Do the indi war matchups consider bfe/bfa or just the stats from buildings?