Derailed. /lock

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Imitation-Cheese, Apr 2, 2015.

  1. I would like to open a community discussion about a topic that has long been a point of contention for me. I also feel that the community deserves an open explanation to a long standing tradition of locking derailed threads.

    To be clear, im not targeting any specific mod or thread, but rather looking to open a discussion for the kawmmunity to share their thoughts on this topic. So please dont throw the book at me. :D

    The question is simple - should the people derailing the thread be punished for violating the ToU (derailing is a violation AFAIK), or should the OP be punished by having his/her thread locked?


    Mods are welcome and encouraged to share their perspectives.

    I must say that i understand modding is probably one of the most thankless jobs on the planet. Theyre basically unpaid janitors and their work makes the community a better place for everyone. Im not bashing them here - at least thats not my intent. Im grateful for what they do, and im proud to call many of then a friend.
  2. it depends. I mean. you can't punish everyone. but a single person making an effot to derail a thread should receive punishment.
  3. It's all politics from chump az mods. End Story.

    All HailMighty TRON All Hail
  4. Op should be punished for not doing anything about it. If op did something about it, it wouldn't be locked. *Devouring Has Spoken*
  5. Hmm.. Isn't punishing the OP when their derailed thread gets locked kinda like farming the admin who started a HTE when someone nom noms on seals without permission?
  6. Devouring does side jobs. Edited for content.
  7. Tron,

    Leave forums.
  8. Read a book.
  9. It depends.

    If the op doesn't do anything about it, then the thread should be locked.


    If a player or players are purposely trying to derail it, then they should be punished. But only the OP can ask people to leave before they derail. After that its up to the mods.
  10. Op used a cool word. Contention. Maybe provoked a few thoughts, but lazy KaW and all these crap TROLL "s" intentionally leave dookie marks on otherwise crap free zones.

    These troll dudes think they are cool with their wit and intellect, but who cares?

    Please don't feed the Trolls.. and have an intellectual dialogue 

    All HailMighty TRON All Hail
  11. Typically if its only a few offenders then their post are removed. But if its say, a whole group discussion that has entirely overrun the op then a lock is usually the cleanest option. Depends on the situation. OP LOCK request trump all.
  12. Tron is always in compliance, I have no affiliation with these cats!!!
  13. Try it yourselves

    Ppl like Selfie troll n derail only to utter insults. I'd support bans for continuous derailing
  14. Theoretically, this thread is a discussion of derailed/locked/censoredForums/1stAmmendment/versus Mod intervention type Forum

    Where you should professionally exclude your moderator self from in order to let forums blossom/ develop/ make you money since the actual game is crap/ the social aspect is the goldmine KaW Devs have yet to capitalize on. Canadians are slow.
  15. Troll go away..spam your forums
  16. Spam what? Re-read your post and ban thyself 24 hours.
  17. Talk about non contributions, Nighthawk
  18. Who are you and what have you to say... The floor is yours ...
  19. I find find your insults only shows off your ignorance. Last reply Jr️