" I push my fingers into my EYES!!! , its the only thing that stops the ache." IF THE PAIN GOES ON IM NOT GONA MAKE IT @_@ how i feel after reading a salty post
Thou must enlighten thyself young dookie breath. If you have not evolved, you will not yet fathom such awesomeness.
Why you name calling frog nuts? You wanna get analytical or what? I've owned you many moons! Let's do this... DING!!!
Don't do this on saltys spam thread please. Don't give him the satisfaction of knowing people might (attempt to) actually read his thread.
You and your goofball rp buddies should bounce, cause you all lack the coolness to contribute to a worthy thread. Just cause it's Saltyfeet thread you chumps wanna slide up here and try and act goofy to derail. Then you get serious when someone like Mighty Tron taps dat assassination button. Turd nuggets! This is about various builds, put into a logical perspective, if you have not evolved , you suck.
I doubt anyone is scared of the "almighty guild hansel tron". Please notice the "..." around that statement. Sorry to disappoint you. #Inb4youtalkinthe3rdpersonandhailtoyourself
Hey man, be cool. Tron is legend in my ranks. You stick to your weight class, I'll see you soon "Biff" from Back to the Future movie...lmfao.
It's odd how the morons who claim to care the least, or despise the thread or the op the most are always the very same noobs who post the most. If you really don't care or like an op, you genuinely wouldn't bother. # frog #troll
In the time I've been playing, I've come across many builds I've used most of them. I was a gh(main) later hansel then tank ect... The build that I enjoyed the least was ps. Many of you remembered me as a towered ps. For my style of play; that build sucked real bad because I want inc and the towers and lack of allies was no incentive. Of course, people whine no matter what kind of build you got. People want you to meet there demands so it shows you got the courage. It reminds me of the fighting style in the civil war. Both troups went face to face and they shot each other in the open. Thats what this kinda players want you to do. Usually they have huge attack, so better do what convenient for them or you are coward. Now i truly enjoy this build, All attack. It is not uncommon these days to find 20,30 mil cs attack build players. So many, many more can attack me. But guess what? Now it is sb,assa and stls ( i only have 1 guild so it should be all steals, but whatever). Attacks pay more than stls yet u spy weak! And the people whine I was a ps now using spies. ( these chumps sometimes fail on my guild :lol: ) Now, I'm quite happy you waste your troops/spies on me. What I don't understand is you are whining. U whine to other players, to the devs, to support,to mods and to your mommy, Stop it. TL;DR.- 1.- STOP WHINING 2.- BLAME THE GAME NOT THE PLAY 3.- IM BUTTHURT SO PEOPLE SOME MORE SO BUTTHURT INCREASES ATTACKING, ALSO TEACHES ME A LESSON. took me a little bit, but I think I spell checked everything