The History of Wars in KaW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ShadowofRegrets, Mar 29, 2015.

  1. Saying EE is not war is nonsense.
    Uttered by those who don't wc or track n prolly do not even enter. Granted EE has gotten somewhat stale lately.
  2. back in the day wars were 48 hours long. those were the times :) then epic battles came along 
  3. Their is also ASW annually excepting a 1 year hiatus. Last one being 3-6hr wars if a clan survived each round. The previous ASW being 3-8hr wars.
  5. How can I leave out the ASW!! Thanks, but tbh I haven't been really motivated to follow the new EE styles either, which is why I wrote this thread.
  6. I just skimmed through so i might have missed, but i didnt see a mention of tower build complaints/nerf. Or the red paladin release in pres1. S4 had 6 wars a day btw, other than that good history
  7. I remember my maxed tier 2 buildings and participating in a war. We managed to post targets via walls and forums. There was no system in place for clans.

    That was truly chaotic.
  8. Op

    Please never use the terms 'old vets' and 'estoc trials' in the same sentence ever again
  9. Why not? That's pretty old compared to how long KaW has been out for.

  10. It's not even 50% of the time that kaw has been out for

  11. Personally I opened this thread thinking it was about OSW as well.... Oh well, each to their own
  12. This is year 3 of EE. This is year 6 of KaW. Seems close enough for me :roll:

    I agree with you but your reasoning isnt strong :|
  13. Oh i thought u meant OSW's
  14. I was hoping for the wars 4/5 years ago...
  15. If you're going for that style, how did you miss out Fox/iG? Damn son.
  16. I'm intrested in everyone's personal experiece during the old Estoc Trials :)