Plunder Difference Ps1/Hansel Vs Tanks/Hitters

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by CrumbledWarrior, Mar 29, 2015.

  1. Are you sure im not a game console, Twinky?
  2. but the sh are really killed off, so basically who cares, community asked for them to be gone and they are, if not happy with results should have worked on a solution instead of hating on a certain build
  3. You're a well defended game console
  4. If I press up up down down left right left right a b a b start do you grant me 99 lives?

  5. No, we aren't talking about nintendo here.. Just playstation k thx
  6. What about R1 R2 L1 R2 left down right up left down right up
  7. I have no idea.. I was always a nintendo kid
  8. It's a GTA SA cheat, gives all guns
  9. Edit: triangle X triangle X
  10. Well you see, hansels don't really need adt like tanks. They also don't need 11m sdt either. That's why we make more off ebs
  11. What an idiot.

    People go tank and build towers to defend against hits. You choose one or the other. If you had good plunder it would be the most overpowered build ever. I love hitting tanks, because they over do the towers and can't be aggressive at all, basically making me a tank. Yet I get decent plunder and can just let them dry themselves out.

    Morale of the story- dont build tons of towers and expect to be good in every aspect of the game. Your purpose is to defend hits. That's it.
  12. I agree, if you're that worried about plunder build a small GH/SH and funnel gold over, you built to tank hits, not to make EB plunder.
  13. Well said. That's why I try keep at least EE 1 because without it my plunder is horrible
  14. Don't forget about Primals, towers here are key.
  15. You are so wrong hansels need sdt for primals or else they become easy steal and ko targets.
  16. This is so far from the truth it isn't even funny. Look at our record in death lncarnate, death on the battlefield, and death 0n the battlefield you will see hansels aka ps1 are definitely not the worst.
  17. Pl difference in pay out is bcz of sdp/adp.hansel/ps1 sacrifice defense for inc atk wo carrying adp,if tank/atk build do the same and don't carry sdp in primal format then think they pay less per steal or similar to what tank/atk build get what they get attacking ps1/hsnsel.
    Idk how tank survive from inc assa though.may b build whole lot sdt.
    Just a Noob's thought.
  18. Best atk build for primal vs few tank/most ps1 is less Adt/whole lot sdt in primal and no sdp.