salty vs some chumps

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by saltyfeet, Mar 28, 2015.

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  1. 101'sted!

    actually things are finally picking up
  2. Butthurt. Im farming hin as we speak lol
  3. Arc is just a lowlife. He just threatened to rat on cemmy if she kept farming him. Disgusting.
  4. Think the only part of this thread people actually cared about/payed attention to was the "Didn't read" gift :lol:
  5. SALTY FOR U.S.A. PREZ
  6. #tospookey5u

  7. Whenever cemmy types she puts random periods all over the place to I cannot help but imagine this is how she is when typing.
  8. Your fate is sealed u punk
  9. Yes

  10. Salty is not my king- Spongebob is

  11. :shock:


    /end sarcasm

    That is literally the only inc you have given me today.

    (Disregard the hits from Arc)
  12. We are butt buddies! jk Devon your screwed <3
  13. If u ss all of my hits ud run outta memory. And that proves i got plenty of ammunition to go around. :lol:
  14. Yup. So much ammunition.....

    You realize you still haven't pinned me and it's been an hour? My spies need love! :)
  15. #ButtBuds2k15

  16. The brown tabby cat on the left is Salty right after he makes a forum post.

    (Notice how he runs away.)
  17. Just gonna wander into this conversation and add my 2 cents worth.

    I have to put my full support behind Salty. Simply for the fact, it isn't nice to bully intellectually handicapped kids like Salty.

    You bullies should be ashamed of yourselves.

  18. If you are on PC, look back into his forum history and you'll see him posting in perfect
    English. The noob is doing it on purpose.

    Your 2 cents aren't worth anything.
  19. Salty is no noob. He is brilliant frankly... but farmable none the less
  20. This only proves:
    1.- ur a nerd
    2.- u got too much free time. Get a job son
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