Beware clans that kick active players!

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by Celeborn_1, Mar 28, 2015.

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  1. Bruh. It's just a game.
  2. So why was his wife kicked?? lol damn im outta
    popcorn now and still no sad :(

  3. made me chuckle IRL just the imagery it created
  4. If you tell us why, cele, I'll pick one of their top ten and have a few days of fun with him.
  5. Castiel you couldn't farm the top ten of warriorcats Nevermind anywhere else
  6. Meh. I could try.

  7. Like normal you're an idiot daphnia.

    He didn't ask xab for the reason why she was kicked, not asking for permission.
  8. Warriorcats?!? You tell me more right nao
  9. Well what were the reasons? End this thread
  10. I wish there was a button for liking post xD
  11. Like normal, you're butthurt about me farming your alts. #RageOn.

    Do you know what the term "publish" means? Guess not. Cele doesn't have to ask the reason before posting [sic, publishing] in forums. He can do whatever he likes.

    Oh, and

    This is the second alt Troll machine has named after Strawb3rry. Pretty obsessed.
  12. A clan has the right to kick whoever they want for whatever reason. Here's an idea: why not save up and make your own clan so you can in turn kick ppl?
  13. You can farm my alts all day long daphnia. Most of them are clanless and inactive. Only a few I even bother to log on now because I don't enjoy this game anymore.

    Speaking of butthurt how's that 13k losses I've given you in the time you gained about 5k wins. Sorry I wouldn't let your clanmates buy you a CF like they offered.

    Wouldn't want a corrupt mod to convince the devs I'm attempting extortion or something. Hope you understand.
  14. Since we all don't know the reason I'm just going to imagine it had something to do with midget rp and clowns.

  15. LOL - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - that made my day
  16. I don't even think 10 still exist lol
  17. i'm totally agree with this one.fully support
  18. My thoughts exactly
  19. Is this really a forum thread complaining about being kicked from an eb? And its not locked yet? You own your own clan..... If you want to not be removed from an eb run it at yournown house. It's their home not yours. There is no rules written that state you cannot be kicked during an epic battle if active . I for one would kick someone if they showed active, and had only done one action on a 16 hour EB that requires skimming and xtalling from all members to be completed. Would i feel guilty or weong in doing so? Nope.

    And like i said at the start; is this really a thread complaining about being booted from an eb? That isnt locked? Enough said
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