@kaw admin talking of useless drops any chance of exchanging my near 8k of mage for miths 10 mage per 1 mith sounds fair
Gonna give you the humorous version because I'm light hearted guy. So here goes: Blah blah blah unfair advantage. Blah blah blah wars will be unfair. Blah blah blah mith can be used for equipment and upgrades that can be used in wars.
Who has so many extra scrolls? I'm guessing 500 max have been collected, maybe 1,000. Nothing unfair here because you won't be in the same war with them anyways. Short story shorter, I think you're not seeing clearly.
Fair enough. I don't war much but I just wanted to point that out, and I'm slightly annoyed I don't get free mithril. Only slightly, maybe.
Wow ...extra scrolls for mith. No thank you. I want scrolls that I need. Not mith ... I can buy mith. And I don't need or want mith !!!! I want my scrolls exchange for scrolls. You devs are fools
Nice. Now do the same with surplus banner materials (Cloth and Steel of those that are already at maximum level), thanks. P.S.: Ancienne just told me that she will honor her 6+3 mithrils and never ever use them again to keep more than 6 forever :lol:
If your gonna suggest that, do something about the barely used equip. And doesn't this mean that overall your chance of having a scroll drop has been decreased?
Kaw admin, will you look at my event thread, and post your criticism and what you love and like about it?. *bumps it for ya*
This is a great step forward. Thank you. How about continuing on this theme and allowing for the exchange of unwanted equipment, Aqua and Inferno? It doesn't have to be exchanged for Mithril, it could be for gold or even pots at a reduced rate similar to the way pots can be sold for gold now. Thank you in anticipation of your consideration. Y'all have a great day out there in KAWLand
I'm sorry, do I need to rephrase it? People make enough gold from HTE. They don't need to make gold from selling the Aqua and inferno too.