Guild Hansels a thing of the past?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Law-inactive21122021, Mar 26, 2015.

  1. Hey guys, this is Law.

    I recently started playing KAW again, after a longer break.

    Things definitely have changed, but it's good to be back.

    But enough of that, what I was curious about was if the guild hansel build is a thing of the past.

    Back when I used to play, being a guild hansel had the advantage of giving huge plunder. Back then however, only the highlands existed, and while guild hansels of course had quite low stats compared to other builds, the difference now between let's say someone who only has one attack building and guilds on all lands, and a normal hansel with SOSs, Volaries and Unkari Ice Trees would be so ridiculously huge, that it makes me question whether the extra plunder (if there even is one) would be worth it.

    And so, my question is, are guild hansels a thing of the past, or might it still be worth it to go for such a build?
  2. Guild Hansels got nerfed, they suck now. Sh is the way to go, but they're a cowards build
  3. Ah I see. What is Sh if I may ask?
  4. Stupid hansel
    Some lbers are SH
    Its a nice build
    It has its adv and disadv
    Try to find out
  5. It's like the noise someone might make in a library!

  6. Sos instead of guilds
  7. I am sh. Loving it. Good plunder.
  8. Thanks!
  9. Alright, cool! I might try it.
  10. Why?
  11. Law- more helpful tip. Get an ally(allies) so your max plunder. Yes, it's gonna be hard keeping em for a bit due to huge kawflation