A new way to clan bank

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by *Diab_Demise_MaCHiNE (01), Jan 2, 2015.

  1. How about ad a ko element like every member pined 0ed the other clan takes a small % of gold there has to be a way for the gold to be taken
  2. No support. The ally market has already experienced severe inflation. This would only help drive ally prices up further. Additionally, it would make volleying(sp?) that much easier. So the gap between players who spend fortunes on seals, xtals & Nobs and the day to day player who spends nothing would only be widened. Think of it similar to the current state of America where the middle class is being squeezed out.
  3. Think the idea of using the gold for strips is the wrong way to look at it.

    The gold 'could' be used for strips but other than opening the target there wouldnt be any other reward.
    thats what my other post were more or less getting at.

    The bank directly 'frees' the ally, not take possession of the ally. The ally would be ownerless.
  5. So then people can strip a clan?
  6. Not supportive of this. This is just a way to circumvent needing 20t plus liquid on an account to strip those who own 20-40t players on most valuable leaderboard.
  7. Bumped cos its still a good idea lol
  8. Than who does the ally goes to? Even if u could choose who it goes to, it would be misued, for example, lcbc can put in some money, and the stateless alt can buy a bad buns ally
  9. I like the idea except a clan shouldn't be the owner of an ally. Imagine clans hoarding allies instead of just individual players.
  10. If you're gonna to the whole BFA thing to the entire clan just have it give normal BFA but then divide it equally amongst all members or something like that
  11. I used to play a game that was very similar to kaw and had this option. So enjoyable, support.
  12. support : bcoz this gonna be fun n nice.
    no support : The features n ways u provided to do this was not properly stated or not clear.
  13. If allies could be bought through clan, BFA would need to be divided equally between members.

    Which would be pretty cool tbh
  14. Ask your Lords or Harb.
  15. *Hint*

    Nightmare and Harb , same dudes.
  16. Yep and Bush did 9/11. Anyway, if only the owner could hire the allies then if that owner wasn't on at the right time they could miss a big strip. This is where the richer clan structure could come in handy. Let's say the owner, higher admins, and treasurer could hire with the clan's bank.
  17. It would be hilarious because you'd lose everything