Spy Banners... a new beginning for the Devs?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by catschrodinger, Mar 25, 2015.

  1. 1) slightly more expensive
    2) slower plunder drop than attack
    3) steals pay crap for Attack builds
    4) Hansels get bigger eb reward plunder

    What was left unsaid..Hansels grow faster

  2. Once again, attacking pays considerably more than stealing. Hansel may be for growth but without my bfe I couldn't even properly hit a ghost eb without mith or pots (tested on hte with no equip and failed at 100% attack). Its a personal choice to go Hansel or PS and not take the easy way out and go sh or ssh.
  3. So. Anyone think they'll cut HF? Kinda what im waiting on lol.
  4. Some time they will
  6. Not until they release the rest of the abyssal upgrades
  7. Spy banners have been out awhile. Event banners have spy stats. Cool theres spy only banners now. Will take months to hunt for the materials. Not worth the effort
  8. Things I want to see:
    Ability to add custom clan rank names and more permission options
    Admin chat
    Wall post to all members
    Clan emblems (custom preferably)
    More types of clan bonuses that do not require completion of EBs
    More bonuses for taking part in wars
    Show clan is part a family and its alliances and chats for alliances and family
    More ebs of course

    General overhaul
    An animation of sorts
    Random mith drops
    Permanent imperial plea

    More buildings that are for ll/hl
    More ll upgrades
    Custom banner design
    Banners for hybrids
    More Castle upgrades with added features such as the black market idea
  9. Think I killed it
  10. All your fault man. #Ihateyou5ever :(
  11. :lol: Same
  12. Enough already....

    OVERALL EB PLUNDER IS MORE FOR HANSELS. Geez attack builds get more attacking go figure. Why not remove attack buildings all together n towers also.

    Ur getting nit picky n want every advantage
    My PS1 is created exactly for that reason.
    Want to attack for more gold build ATTACK

    Hansels have the least to complain about..
    Says my PS1 who gobbles up plunder.
    See my owner who started 4 mths after I did n passed me like i was standing still.
  13. I wouldn't mind a clan wall also, similar to GaW. Clan invites would be good too. And the color-cost goldsink wordwaster once mentioned.
  14. Do you think they'll release attack banners?

  15. Clan invites would have top be tweaked, otherwise everyone would invite leaderboarders to their clans.
  16. ...
  17. Got quoted by mod... My life is complete
  18. K
  19. They already did. :|