EX war Vets

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by player098098235, Mar 17, 2015.

  1. Imposter.

    You are not the original KratoS of GL.
  2. Growlithe your an idiot. Someone can't say EE isn't war cuz they have EE equip?
  3. You're* and yes, idiot.
  4. Your still an idiot.
  5. I have an idiot? You are my new slave, learn how to use you are properly. If you're saying your, then you're saying that I own/have it. Not the brightest bulb in the chandelier are you?
  6. HOW PATHETIC is it to engage in arguments in kaw forums. Just when I think my life is kinda messed up, I can come to forums and read this garbage.
  7. Only Kratos I know was a traitor and mole during osw. Which translates into crumby person in general. I'm guessing you're the same one.
  8. I was kidding the second time, grammar freak.
  9. I was trying to irratate you, your an idiot
  10. Noob
  11. eb isn't war, so i'm an idiot now?
  12. It's you're, you illiterate, incompetent, piece of **** 
  13. Now yur mad :lol:
  14. igrowlithe needs a ban that moron been on forums all day arguing with people he's a spammy noob
  15. Your just mad that you're other noob alt got forum banned
  16. Your*
  17. Thanks for correcting me slave, that's why I claim you
  18. I find these slavery jokes racist. Reported.
  19. I didn't say a race, your an idiot