EVENT: Pirate's Of The Abyss (PvP Event)

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by IVIONSTEJZ__TTV, Mar 20, 2015.

  1. Support . Like the PVP . Long as some sissy don't go to puppet mod to ask for silence over true facts of trash talk . ( yep you ireg ) nice account .
    You where much better as Queenvasia . I like her .
    You my friend are a weasel and coward .
  2. In b4 lock
  3. Well thought out, and lots of effort put into it. I don't see any major flaws and we need a pirate themed event . Great Job Jenni 

  4. Sound so fun i hope devs plan to do this
  5. Ho HO ho and a bottle of Rhum
  6. Enjoying your silence? Accusing my main again?

    Support, great idea
  7. Nope just saying Omar .( aka queen )
  8. Please stay in topic or leave.
  9. Now go sit in the corner and raise your hand to speak .
    Then after you speak slap yourself your being such a panzie .
    Then be yourself and pull out the credit card and fix your ego
    Then ask your boyfriend to lock this thread
  10. Love the idea
  11. Okay, get off my thread, you were warned and still proceed to post off topic.
  12. Support because Jenni is sexy.

    Didn't even read OP.
  13. Support. I would love a team PvP event!
  14. Mithril or land tokens removed as reward and I may consider giving my support.

    Until then, no support
  15. Good thread but I prefer they work on S5 lol
  16. Support!

    Good thread Jennay
  17. Love the team idea and a good mix of still losing ur stuff but not ur tear at same time hope this gets a good read n they give it a try
  18. support for the effort but this is based solely on who xstals the most...taking off the xstals during the event will make it a true PVP event where the best man wins