Your First Clan

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by The-Raj, Mar 2, 2015.

  1. Army of Anubis. One of the first clans is kaw
  2. First Clan Hells Angels
    First Real Family Clan : The Last Enchantment. Now called The Enchanted Empire ... support for this Old Good Peeps!

    My first Clan has Boss The Forsaken Fortress (War/TvP) Clan 2013-2014 RIP dismantled during a SignUp accident
  3. F.E.A.R was the first clan I joined, I had no idea where to go so what made sense to me was to join my owner's clan at the time. My owner was fateanddestiny or something like that. They were good people, owners and admins were all real life co-workers, lol.
  4. Light Talon was my 1st. Was a subclan to D.O.T.M
    Had some good times and made some good friends.
  5. Mistborn 

    Still the best times I had playing this game were made there. We later moved to EoE. That was a great clan too!
  6. xXP_3Xx was my first clan
  7. I made my first clan because no one wanted me. I then disbanded it and went around joining clans until I found my perm home in Fort.
  8. Just in response to all of the people that said CoS was your first clan and your first home.

    The meeting place of shadows is back.
  9. My first clan was the-rejects
  10. I started out in Ashes to Embers, they helped me gear up and then they disbanded, tried rebuilding, and by that time i was too big so i moved on, and now i believe the clan is dead, but i still keep in touch with old members who i have became friends with
  11. The-rejects
  12. My first clan Immortal Knights ️Elite oh man one of best clan I have been into and other one is Assassin Destiny and My own clan GŁØRŸ of DÊŠTRÜĆTĮØÑ great People everywhere enjoyed it
  13. Young patriots. It's nice to see they're still around.
  14. Southern Storm 5 years ago but then stopped playing and lost my account. Back in the days when if you got to highlands you were amazing lol.
  15. HKSAR was always my home years back
  16. I started out in swift scorpions @_@ which now isn't around... But I wasn't there long, so my next clan would be -Avatars- which is where I learned how to play!! Awesome people and they are still going strong 
  17. Derty-rich was my first clan when I joined. Still around not sure how active though 
  18. Well my first clan would of been the 3 legged legend lol they were great folks ^-^