Ability to bank when gold is below 1250(lowest pot price)

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Spilatch, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    Lol I find it hard to comprehend 4 years and that little and hardly any ee rewards on your account and I'm the idiot  it just shows you have no idea
  2. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    I swear, I could probably count the number of people who understood the point spil has been trying to make on one hand.

    Doesn't bode well for the kawmunity at all...
  3. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    My dead cat could come up with an idea with more value than this piece of crap. Op, for your sake, I hope this is a joke.
  4. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    Almost every part of this game has exploit. Spil is a little slow. Sometimes he needs pictures to figure out most aspects.
  5. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    The way I see it... Old war had gh. New war has ps1. Different builds but share 1 common theme. Earn more than leak.

    Gh and sh - easy to plunder, but pay out poorly. Compared to how much they leak, they earn exponentially more.

    Ps and ps1 - easy to plunder, but pay out less than they earn stealing by a noticeable margin.

    I think it comes down to how rosters evolve. I am no pro roster builder, but in have done tons of wars and it seems that putting together the correct roster for the type of war is 75% of the battle.

    Ofc, there are other differences between sh and ps1 that I won't get Into. But this aspect I touch on, I think, is the basis of the my understanding of the issue at hand.

    I think Spil is like many others that have played kaw, and is wanting a fair shot warring without having to make his roster based on these issues. It sucks knowing your going lose based on the roster's alone. It sucks more clans don't war. More clans warring would help out a lot.

    The devs havent done a good enough job encouraging participation in ee. To many stupid events for eb. These events are rediculous... this game is borderline unbearable nowadays like a 9 year old with ADHD is the boss up at ATA.

    Tldr? <-- Roster building become too important when participation is low. #DevsBlowAsUsual
  6. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    Please elaborate
  7. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    Really ? Well I wish when people talk a big game, and reference all the "exploits" that could come from an idea, maybe they should do everyone a favor and give a goddamn example of said exploits since they're such "geniuses".

    Nice of his mommy to show up though.
  8. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    If these are the words of a genius the earth is doomed. Lmao
  9. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    What's the exploit here ?
  10. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    I agree Zoom. Rostering has become an increasingly important part of EE. But that's only because clans have had to roster according to the mechanics of builds. If clans have more tanks than Hansels they are going to be disadvantaged in EE nowadays.

    It's not stacking. It's being forced to roster a certain way because of the way builds work. And to be fair, even when you try to roster the Devs still have the last say and will match you unfairly.

    EE has become a science with formulas and it takes the fun out of throwing a roster together of who is available and putting your build to the test.

    Let's see what S5 brings .......
  11. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    Spilatch, relating to my earlier point, YES it takes time to bank. It also takes time to find the pure spy that just successfully took that gold from you. You'd have too much time in fact, and would always get all your gold banked away. Thus, PS becomes locked up.

    Get wc to zero you and top whinging.
  12. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1


    A lot of what you said is completely correct

    The only thing I'll add is that we don't know who we are facing when building a roster. I am not a big enough loser to watch other clans cast people and send builds to different clans .

    So people say oh add all hybrids to smash hansels . The time I do that we will match a roster of attack builds and get creamed.

    Maybe an interesting idea that no one brought up yet is a season schedule , like any sport.

    You are given a matchup schedule and you war each clan on a rotisserie basis .

    And rosters just have to be within a 100 mil cs set stat range? Idk

    But there is nothing worse than losing to the same clan three times in a row, changing your roster then facing another clan with a different set up
  13. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    Then give each attack build 1-2-3 hansels to troll all war and when a steal comes in you check those targets

    Seems pretty simple and would take 10 secs

    So you top whinging
  14. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    I agree 2 or 3 tanks rest ps1/hansels WITH NO ADP is not a stacked roster. Maybe throw in 1 or 2 spy heavy hybrids in there too...WITH NO ADP.
  15. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    I think you need to rephrase this part because obviously it is not.
  16. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

  17. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1


    Yes Hun it is stacking . Idk why stacking is a negative term though . You can stack any build on a roster. It just is what it is.

    The problem lies when everyone starts doing it then you go back to sh season. Ya know if devs took 15 mins out of their day and matched hansel rosters to hansel rosters their advantages wouldn't be as drastic. This In turn would probably force them to roster more hybrids maybe . And so the rosters change and become more balanced.

    And the same went for sh rosters. If devs had stepped in and matched sh lb to sh lb and let them duke it out what do I care ?

    But no over and over and over agin mixed build rosters matched tank-lb sh and we all agreed that completely sucked

    Well same thing is happening now and this completely sucks .

    I know how you used to feel about those rosters, so I guess facing it over and over again and now being a part of it you start to see it in a different light .
  18. Depends on how you look at it. Depends on what side of the tier you are on imo. You got creamed with hybrids and hybrids are an essential part to matching a hansel heavy roster. That's why I said dial a hybrid plus a competent war commander equals blah blah blah. No matter the clan or roster you cast some clans have been dominating primal for about a year now if you want to challenge I suggest you do the homework because presently there are only 2 options. Go smaller than 600 CS which you have a group of about 5 clans that consistently war at that cs with different roster types. Or you go bigger than 600 cs and get a hansel heavy roster or a tank hybrid heavy roster. This is no different than any season so far. I suffered through 2 whole seasons of losing and I feel you pain you know I do. You just have to eat it and figure out ways to give your team a great chance to win. This is only my opinion my offer still stands bro
  19. @ prince

    T7 is going to change a lot of things In terms of matchups imo so will be a wait and see approach as season gets closer.
  20. Spilatch, there are a couple of fundamental reasons why your so called 'balance' doesn't need to happen and they been pointed out repeatedly.

    Your blithe indignation suggests your rear is a little sore that you ever have to be hit in war. You have the same advantage. Pipe down.