Ability to bank when gold is below 1250(lowest pot price)

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Spilatch, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

     yes it would

    However this only would be an in-war ability



    which is the lowest post price

    I capped that not to yell , but to emphasize as people seem to completely miss that major point
  2. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    Completely agreed .

    This thread is essentially like "option 6" in terms of ideas/ways brought up by community to just balance things a little more

    Option/idea 1-5 have not been acted on and I'm sure they won't be .
  3. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    Also the chances of this ability actually stopping steals or return fire are extremely low, I mean as soon as I attack I will be reported in cc to have gold out and usually get incoming ASAP and it takes time to bank .

    Still. This would at least give us a CHANCE to make up plunder without giving up DOUBLE the amount of what we just made.

    Which is exactly what happens .
  4. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    Devs will never fix it. Banking is a simple fix
  5. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    Agreed so use my overall method 1800 Dial a Hybrid plus competent war commander equals no win streaks for you 
  6. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    I'm a fan of the "Swarm" method personally
  7. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    What's the swarm method oh yeah spliatch pm me hit a proposition for you
  8. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    Wow slayerbob is a jerk. Is that what the blue font is for?
  9. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    This does not need to be changed. It's part of war, you have exactly the same advantage so it's not 'balancing'. This would make pure spies incredibly overpowered, thus unbalancing the system, as they'd only be vulnerable when they fail.

    Say a pure spy can bank fully, and they steal ten times successfully from their opponent. If their roster has multiple players with the spy stats to do that, the spy has ample time to bank all his gold away while the enemy roster checks down to see which PS now has gold out.

    Successfully steals make for an opportunity to hit a pure spy, when you find them. This takes away that opportunity based on 'if' you find them - pure spies will become lock ups.
  10. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1


    It's not like we can bank instantly

    It still takes time to buy pots

    And for forbid you get the dreaded "insufficient funds" message
  11. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    I was Noob and big leak in primal.i adj my build or still trying to adj and learn how to use my build.every build has weakness.use them to ur advantage and learn and improve how you war.
  12. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    Spilatch with how little your account is I'm not sure if you are being serious or joking. Asking a question of how it may be exploited shows how naive you are - that's why the devs struggle to keep up some of us are great at seeing flaws before others.
  13. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    No Support, there should be risks in a war game. All it takes is 1 speaker in wc an you can get cleared or cleared out. It all depends on how you kaw, like a man or like a girl, chicks like an easy route an men like a challenge well excluding smisko over at clan a hq lol I nominate that nub epic failer 2015, 22 failed strips an still trying takes dedication an commitment
  14. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    Fool count up to about 65
  15. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    You are an idiot
  16. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    Unfortunately I fear you may be to small for me to return the favour 
  17. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    Answers like this is reason why Dev's just don't care..someone suggest a change, and half-wits like you reply
  18. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    I concur
  19. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    Spilatch I wish you weren't so little.. I would farm you on the side for referring to one of the most brilliant minds in this game as an idiot. Too bad you have no idea who you are offending. Tsk tsk
  20. Re: Add ability to bank gold to 0 when below lowest pot price (1

    Spilatch I wish you weren't so little.. I would farm you on the side for referring to one of the most brilliant minds in this game as an idiot. Too bad you have no idea who you are offending. Tsk tsk