Hello there fellow EE warriors.today I bring you the recruitment thread for our glorious clan Virtuous Paladins. Here we Estoc War only, our society is full of specially chosen warriors. We only accept the best!!! We win, we lose. We take the risk!! And here today I'm here to recruit YOU. As we only take warriors. We are running low. Most of our best souls have died in battle fighting for our cause!!! A tragedy for sure but nonetheless we need your help to make sure their lives weren't taken in vein! So if you wish to join please hit the magical button with the words "Sign Up" via your profile view. This will transport you to our kingdom... If you have the honor of being selected from the few!! P.S. We are currently accepting leaks, moles, inactives, newbs, slowpokes, and fail SKOrs. Apply today
Why are you accepting fail skoers, leaks, Inactives and NOOBS? That seems like the best way to lose a war.
Silly person, he is talking about the indi clan Virtuous Paladins. He is looking for those people cause his clan was probably full of them and lost. He's just a little upset lol.