I play law still in hope that something better in PvP/osw come out and this is the best idea I seen so far.
OK what if the clan doesn't want to war but is talking trash they can hide behind a token wall that why you need to be taking gold with the devs tweak in order to make it fair but the thing is the more you take and raise the bar the more you will have to take to get to lvl 4 you would have to take 1Trillion of gold in 24 hours or you drop in rank. and so on of course Dev will make the amount you have to take and a time line or you will drop or gain in lvl and plunder gain. and you will be able to take more
This is purely a token drop system - using straight plunder causes potential big exploits and would require extensive changes to the plunder system which devs wont do. Instead they have a token drop already programmed, a pvp bonus system already done. It would just need additional programming for the clan meters and the 'difficulty of a hit' adjustment factor to determine the tokens dropped. Of course, people will smack talk - it can be done in many ways - this idea has nothing to do with that. If they (or their statless alt) are hiding behind a clan that has a low or no level (or out of a clan ) - then they can still get hit in the normal way with the normal rewards - just no tokens are dropped. But the laugh will be on them if they try smack talking when they dont have proof (clan meter levels) behind them to back up their words. yep - higher the level the more tokens required and the rate of decline - all for the devs to discuss with their number crunchers which these level are - and i'm sure devs can come up with ways to part clans of of their cash to increase token drops.
Why not keep it simple, just have a toggle switch WAR ↔️ PEACE, if in WAR or OSW mode, slots open/unlock, maybe no more then five, owner/admin typed in clan names you opposing: 1: ABC 2: XYZ 3: Blank 4: Blank 5: Blank In WAR/OSW verse these clans you get a bonus ie PVP bluff of say 30% week one, 20% week two, 10% for the balance. The point some plunder bonus above just rough idea, but you get point and really not difficult for Devs to do. What could be interesting, if one clan toggles and list clan they are automatically in war mode, if they toggle back to peace plunder bluff changes until they commit to war maybe from 30-10% but if commit back to 30%. Again just rough idea.
Love the idea! As far as the bit about being able to steal tokens off of another clan that could be another reward dropped from the PvP aspect. Say at a certain tier a clan achieves, that would open up a clan spell, it has a couple hour duration and any successful action done on a player in an opposing clan would mean there is a 25% chance to steal clan tokens. Just an idea to keep PvP in it, and not get some little clan full of noobs trying to steal tokens from PvP LB clans.