ATA Tester Program

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Mar 13, 2015.

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  1. There's this thing called a quote button.

  2. Your first question about beta testing program was if there's some benefits about being part of it. But whatever. Keep chitchatting about how you actually just want to give back to the community.
  3. Agreed
  4. Lol noob quoted himself. :lol:
  5.  damn noobs
  6. I'm sorry I didn't get that. All I ever wanted was to help the community. And honestly I don't care whether you judge me or not. Forums are supposed to help yet I get a couple fail trolls looking for something to ease their boredom

  7. :D Good luck getting picked :p
  8. Sithi you're lying.
  9. How can you say I'm lying? You don't even know me
  10. I'll be a tester
  11. Whatever... Good luck! I wish you to be picked.
  12. Sarcasm isn't going to get you anywhere

  13. So like many others I totally didn't read the op. Is this the proper way to sign up?
  14. No
  15. are worse than a girlfriend. No mattee what I say you are not happy.
  16. Wish I had known about this I definitely would have asked to be considered
  17. I hope they do tests on their win/loss battle mechanics.

    It is mostly outrageous the amount of fails one gets on an equally sized build or even a smaller build.
  18. Fail trolling? I answered your questions and concerns very accurately and direct. Whatcha gonn do bout it?
  19. When will response be out by?
  20. Kaw_Community, Please remember to include,

    -User name
    -And a brief, detailed, description of the test.

    Case# 335251
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