Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. What would the sdt cs be if all towers on hf maxxed out be ?
  2. 15,6M
  3. Can someone send me the link for the equipment guide that says eb drops what. Not resilience' but the other one.
  4. viewtopic.php?f=6&t=105624
  6.  Are you the original PacmanSam??? 
  7. Apologies. I wondered why I didn't have to shorten the link. Lol. Here yah go:

  8. Its like the same lenght :lol:
  9. Thank you sir.

    And yes I am the original, haven't played for a while so it reset my post count and my base but starting up again.
  10. Great seeing you again. I remember your kaw quiz thing a few years back!
  11. Lol y'all should of just let this stay down, filled with nothing but old information, might as well make a new one with more effort by op right mods lol
  12. No. This is the thread people go to if they're curious on something, and helpful people like Mango and slayerbob (many others too) have made it what it is.
  13. That edit tho
  15. Thats not a question. Please post questions or answers. =)
  16. Lul k
  17. ive been playin 4+years. I havent received achevements for 2,3, or 4. Why?
  18. Perhaps was on a different account... ?
  19. Can we please have 2months without stupid promos to give clans a chance?????