New Player Announcements

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. We saw everything!
    From the very night when you gave birth to our annoying little sister!

  2. I blame a lack of coffee!
  3. Sign my wall plox.

    Thanks Kaw_com
  4. That would be helpful now just need a max plunder spell for beginners for 2 weeks at least. Ally market is hell for beginners.
  5. @ kaw_community can you give a feed back on PvP/osw meter please. Thanks IGN.
  6. A great start in updates for new players. Hopefully you don't stop with this.
  7. "Invite them to your culb"
  8. Don't you mean helpfully? Just kidding.
    But I agree - Don't abandon us and please, stop with all these pay 2 win events.
    If you're gonna do a pay2win event at least add some PvP in it!(Not talking about EE)
  9. We are over that already.
  10. No support, some people like not getting hired
    I know when I started playing I wanted to be Underpriced️ as heck but look at me now
  11. Or what the forums would say quality over quantity... Shame on you community thought you were better no excuses for you
  12. Be nice. He promised us a fixed sword on our splash screen!
  13. Apparently this was initiated in pimd before us. >->
  14. No support. Another step towards ruin.
  15. I dont see how that is helping at all. No different than them asking for a volley. Just saying :)
  16. Elaborate on how please?

    The thing I don't like about this is seeing how few people join KaW... 
  17. Where is the black market? Where is the shark eb?
  18. Give new players one billion gold instead of a volley.