This is stupid, why does the site have to be shut down? Does Rockstar need to stop making GTA because car jacking happen? It's not their fault people can't think morally
"Senate Bill 260 is a new law that will go into effect on January 1, 2014. It gives a second chance to most people who were under the age of 18 at the time of their crime, tried as an adult and sentenced to an adult prison sentence. SB 260 holds young people responsible for the crimes they committed, but it recognizes that youth are different from adults and gives them a chance to demonstrate remorse and rehabilitation. It establishes a parole process with different criteria. The parole board is required to review the cases of people who were under the age of 18 at the time of their crime and look at them differently than it does people who were adults." "Existing sentencing laws ignore recent scientific evidence on adolescent development and neuroscience. Research has shown that certain areas of the brain, particularly those that affect judgment and decision-making, do not fully develop until the early 20′s. The US Supreme Court stated in its 2005 Roper v. Simmons decision, “[t]he reality that juveniles still struggle to define their identity means it is less supportable to conclude that even a heinous crime committed by a juvenile is evidence of irretrievably depraved character.” Moreover, the fact that young adults are still developing means that they are uniquely situated for personal growth and rehabilitation. The US Supreme Court recently held unconstitutional mandatory life without parole sentences for people under the age of 18, and required courts to consider the youthfulness of defendants facing that sentence.[1] The California Supreme Court recently ruled that a sentence exceeding the life expectancy of a juvenile is the equivalent of life without parole, and unconstitutional in nonhomicide cases.[2] These decisions recognize that it is wrong to deny someone who commits a crime under the age of 18 the opportunity to demonstrate rehabilitation." ... son-terms/ I don't know, but I would prefer to send them to a juvenile center till they are 18. During that time they would be regularly evaluated by the state. If it can't be determined by then if they are sociopaths and have met the above criteria then I wouldn't appose parole. But then again, they may be legitly bat (colorful adjective) crazy.
I'd send em to juve to meet big burtha and big bubba. and when their lessons learned the can get out. Glad their not my kids
They should be tried as kids because they are kids, the crime is horrible. I'm sure if I was in the other side of the victims family I would probably say otherwise. But it is the legal system ! They are 12, last time I check 12 is 6 years away from 18 , plus no one does that vice versa . No 24 year old can be charged as a kid. So that is my opinion!
GTA games are rated +17 in USA and +18 in the rest of the world. A kid is not allowed to play such game. Is parent duty to keep their kidds away of such games. And if a parent fail to supervise his kid and the kid's behaviour is influenced by GTA, the only responsabile one is his parent.
SB 260 is state legislation applicable only in the state of California, albeit implementing a narrow (and I think correct) 5:4 decision of the US Supreme Court (Kagan, J.) in Miller v Alabama, 10-9646, that life terms for juvenile offenders were in violation of the prohibition on "cruel and unusual punishment" under the 8th amendment (Bill of Rights) to the US Constitution. But let's not forget that this is the same court that determined that the death penalty was not "cruel and unusual punishment" (I think an incorrect decision) (citations omitted). See also, Stanford v Kenrucky (death penalty ok for offenders aged 16-17); overturned, Roper v Simons, 543 U.S. 551 (2005) (death penalty unconstitutional vis-a-vis crime committed under the age of 18).
How is killing 2 little girls gonna benefit society or all three of the families. Those girls committed murder because they were influenced by some stupid game, obviously they are incredibly weak minded and your talking about killing them? We would be no better then those third world countries
I'm pretty sure they have decided to try them as adults, it would be a tough call to make however I found myself feeling like that is a good decision given the circumstances.
Any of you heard of the jamie bulger case from the uk, those two animals were of similar ages when they committed their crime, and now live amongst normal society, and one was recently charged with the possession of child pornography, so tell me again we should treat them like children, idiots
What is sickening is that 12 years old are committing premeditated murder influenced by a fictional character, why are the parents not trialled as well? I think in some countries parents are fully responsible of their kids' actions. They should be trial as juveniles, because of their age and like someone said previously their brain is not completely formed, not letting them make the clear distinction between reality and fiction. The parents should be trialled as well as accessories to murder and child endangerment.