Introducing the Black Market

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Moody, Mar 6, 2015.

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  1. 100% support! This must happen!
  2. I think this would be awesome, and is well thought out
  3. This could possibly be one of the most useful things the devs could put there time into, they need to think about it at least..
  4. Full support, maybe have an auction type system though. 1 hour auctions but you can set a buy now price.

    Also each item would have to have a minimum price I think, so it'd be slightly harder to exploit
  5. I think people should start being more open minded regarding these well thought ideas by the community. If we're talking about exploits, nowadays everything can be exploited: ally market, EE wars, etcetera.

    We have to let new implementations to arrive our game so the game itself can continue growing. The exploitations will always happen, we just need to be patient until all these exploitations get addressed and so on, but if we're continually rejecting very good ideas like this one for fear of exploits, then I'm afraid to tell y'all that this game will perish in the long run.
  6. And, I support. 
  7. Can't agree more... Besides, exploits? Someone will have to loose something in order for someone to gain something... (Well, I'm personally thinking about exploits as in giving your own alt overpowered equip for cheap or something. In that case though, they would have to put it in the black market. The black market is public)
  8. You cant introduce what doesnt exist
  9. Losing 50% of the profit counting both ends seems pretty bad for an exploit.
  10. Support.
    It sounds similar to the transfer market in FIFA and FUT. Also, how is transferring gold to an alt through the black market different to volleying between accounts?
  11. A very nice idea, I support as well.

    I hope this gets implimemted sometime.
  12. No need to war do hte and hoard gold bars to get mith and mith eq.. thats really exploitable(and the reason why mith purchase has a limit) but there is a double advantage.. still those who cant have much hte will end up as losers.. need improvisation.. black market should have levels.. so not everyone can access all the levels of sale happening there... consider this...

    Level 1 BM sells eq like hooves, origins helm and max of 14 mith(needed for beginners to war)
    And this level is pre-unlocked.
    New levels are unlocked by exploring new lands.
    I still suggest dont involve mith.. it can be disastrous.. can sell mith spells like unholy aura need 15(cool for osw) and only 6 can be bought max.
    Thanks for a read ;)
  13. Tiberius - I understand your point. But those who war and try their very hardest and collect mith to buy the war equip won't be likely to sell them on.

    Also, for the sale of mith by players to then be hoarded for the equipment the money required for that would be better spent in buying the Xtals to do the warring to gain the EE and the mithril. I don't doubt that people could do your proposal but I think it's very unlikely that they would :)

  14. It is a great idea...however if you have ever played any other now defunct game on facebook involving the mafia for example where you could do this it just gave people with multiple accounts the advantage of passing goods to their main and therefore they would have to spend less money playing the game to grow....definitely not the direction ata is looking to go even though it would be cool it will never happen.
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