Many of the recent events have been focus on the Epic Battle portion of KAW, the debs need to remember those that like to war as well. In EB's you can get seal and horn drops which cost real money, my proposal is that EE wars can drop health crystals at end of war like seals and horns do for EB's What does the community think of this idea?
War incentives need to be increased i believe but not with seals horns or xtals. They need to increase gold payouts, increase mith payouts and improve match ups to get more players who want to war consistently. I would be okay if there were war tournaments with xtals or seal pay outs, or after certain brackets reached during a estoc war season for individual players. But not on regular off season wars.
How about a war chest with random drops. Mith Inferno and aqua WAR CRYSTALS.... Xstals Random equipment Maybe a banner or part of a banner Beautiful woman Anywar update would suffice
What ee warriors need is better equipments than those eb/event equips. Even u need more and more miths to enchant them, just keep them always better than eb/event equips
Unlike Troll, I'm all full having the devs give me free stuff. . I think since we all cast 14 mith to war, we should be guaranteed 14 back if we cast and lose. None of this random crap. Giving EE warriors about 100 pearls would make a bigger incentive to war rather than do hte.