make event drops better for non hte ebs

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Chop-Suey, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. Why should it be fair?

    Why should someone spending no money, earn the same as people spending money? It doesn't even make sense. KaW never claims to be an equal opportunity game. You should just be thankful that you can play, 100% free. Some way or another, everyone needs to learn this game, like life, is not fair.
  2. It's not about whether life's fair. It's about exclusive features being advertised as free in a free game when it is impossible to gain them without spending. Don't like it. Blame the law.
    If you want to promote and run a business you have guidelines and laws you have to abide by.
    Purchases are allowed in app games to accelerate the normal rate of attainment. Or gold to grow and buy allies. There is your not fair part. Fact of life.
    All exclusive equipment has to bs available to all free players. I'm ee wars the devs have set it up so it is. The players don't permit it. But the devs are doing it within the law.
    Special equip that is only attainable buy the biggest spenders. Sorry not so Legal.
    Don't like it. Base teirs on real possible hits for the time of normal regens. If anyone hits 24 hours a day it's legal but they won't get it ill bet. Xtals speed up the process make it possible and hey presto. Legal just!
    Like I said god knows how many times before. Tiers 1 action per item and no random drops.
    Make bottom tier 12 unloads a day.
    Top 24 a day and there is your solution. Simple really Isn't it.
  3. I agree, btw same stupid event format as last event. Clans which able do TSG, SS, TS and haven't enough equips fro AFF can't participate this event. coz why start noob epic like Figure of Death ????
  4. LOL! Why do exclusive drops have to be available to everyone? Technically, they are available to everyone. If nobody payed for xstalls for an extra boost, then technically "free" players could get the top ten reward. However, other people will xstall. The devs never set a "you must buy xstalls to get rewards." Hell you don't even have to get rewards. You have to pay to compete that high levels, but you don't have to pay to get low to mid tier rewards.

    Stop complaining about everything and enjoy the game. Or quit. Who cares?
  5. Honestly devs need to start doing events like quetzel where everyone had a good chance at top tiers not just endlessly dropping seals and xtaling on every hte
  7. Support ! Aff and other ebs are also harder than hte
  8. So lets see someone who disagrees with you should quit pup. Should all the free to play players quit too?

    Very sociable app you would have left. Way to show the community you care about anyone but yourself.
    Also why do the equipments have to be available for everyone. Because the law in some of the countries kaw is marketed in states they must be. And that as stated. In app purchases must only speed up a process of attaining something it must not be exclusive to pay for customers in an app advertised a s free to play or clearly it is not free to play.
    Not my rules bud. I'm just trying to get the devs to real side they can run these events in a more realistic manner that includes all of the community.
    Problem with that.
    Too many people paying to pretend they are special.
    I'll spend again maybe when the game is fun for all again, not a select few.
    Quit yep people like you may make me want nothing to do with this community. But then I see so many that wish they were included in this game.

    Look forward to the future of gaming. No consoles. No discs
    Just apps with in app purchases and exclusively dl content.
    And gamers like you telling them that's fine. You want to be ripped off. Kaw used to have the perfect balance. That's been destroyed by greed. Both by some players and the devs.
  9. I don't think you understand what I am saying chaos. Also you twisted my words. I'm not tellin you to quit because you disagree. I could care less who agrees with me. I'm saying quit if you don't like the game.

    Also, I'd like to see the law you are referencing. I want to see it specifically. The fact of the matter remains, kaw is a free game. You don't have to get the equipment from promos. You can play the game 100% free and still get decent equipment. Some of the best equip drops from EB's and EE. EE is completely free. Xstall rules are enforced by clans, not the devs.

    The point is you don't have to spend money to have fun or to play the game. The devs aren't forcing anyone to spend money to win the top tier rewards. The competitive player field is what causes that. So the law you refer to doesn't even matter because the pay to win is caused by competition between players, not by the developers themselves.
  10. Lets be honest here.
    Which eb pays all 4 items in this event and pays the most of them too for the time spent on it? Yup HTE .

    If HTE only paid more gold and no other advantage then the only advantage paying players have is xtal use which speeds up your progress. It's not the devs ? They clearly make HTE drop the most. I have no issue with the devs however they do need to look into the balance of events.
  11. Pup look up office of fair trade and trading standards laws uk.
    I'm sure you can find them for yourself.
    And any implied pressure is forbidden due to the protection of children and parents.
    If a competition is set up in a manner in which
    pay to players win, that breaks the law here.
    And yup you clearly implied to quit. I pay when I enjoy aspects of the game.
    I hold seals now.
    I'm just trying to make it fair for all players regardless of cost. Something many seem to object to. But hey I've said how to do that.
    You can support the devs and gaming industry destroying gaming for people because that is what's happening. Heck new laws are being sought all the time now due to in app purchases and the issues they generate. But don't worry no issues.
    Enjoy halo when you have to pay just to have a gun in the game or whatever. That's the direction gaming is taking. Golden days are long gone.
  12. During promos, hte should be excluded..So the activity of all ebs will increase the chances of getting lucky and winning large amount of promo requirements..Devs already make enough cash off of assists the people with cash fast growth..well for us who cant afford such pleasures should be reassured that our regular epic battles will be as good as any for promos...
  13. Then how will a dev get money? You are so rude
  14. At least I now know to ignore optimal's wall of text rantings in the future.

    Clearly one of those people who thinks that the weight of an argument can be judged by the sheer number of words typed rather than the quality of any point made.

    Nothing that I have seen you say to date justifies the time it would take me to read your posts.

    Optimal, you are clearly so stubborn and closed minded so as to make debating with you a completely futile exercise.

    If you don't like the game, please stop the endless streams of negativity and leave the game to those who enjoy it.

    Thank you.
  15. Is that the best you can do to refute anything I have said. No wonder the names lol.
    Told you, you should learn to read.
    Closed minded. Totally not. Very open minded.
    But fair minded too. You just want to pay your way to the top and ignore all others.
    Stubborn. Heck yes.
    Especially when it comes to trying to get the best from others.
    Suggesting improvements to make a game fair is negativity.
    Coming from a self indulged player that tells others to quit the game. Yep I'm convinced legit argument there 
  16. Op one day youll learn to just ignore non pvp events. It will always be pay to win events. Just ignore them. Rewards always suck anyways lol
  17. I would have said that your poorly thought out, dreary walls of text were the most self indulgent thing here.

    Every single promo its always the same. Tears of self entitlement flooding through forums at a rate that would put Niagra Falls to shame, the same tired old arguments bleated out by the same tired old people.

    I havent told you to quit the game, I told you that if you dont like it, you should quit, rather than drag everyone else down with you.

    If your 'ideas' / boring same old arguments had any merit they would remain on the front page rather than sink without trace or be reliant on petty argument to keep them bumped.

    On that note im done giving this thread oxygen.

    Happy Kawing! And if not, maybe leave, if your addiction to this game will let you.
  18. Gotta love how you put your opinions above others yet again.
    Don't worry bud. We have all seen that you can't refute one thing I have said.
    We have seen that you want the game exclusive and pay to win.
    You have shown everyone what type of person you are.
    Not one single tear from me bud. But your wall full of people crying because you farm them over hiring allies. Isn't that why we are at war with zaft. For being bullies.
    No worries bud. Glad I'm not a hypercritical player.
    And please if your going to use playing kaw as an insult to someone. Then don't play the game yourself.
    Talk about facepalm moment.

    Thanks for being a great eggsample of everything I have argued against in the game.
    Fair playing field in promos. Pffffffff who the heck wants that? right.

    Respect to the devs for listening and putting up their announcement. Look forward to seeing the player base grow and include people of all walks of life.
  19. I haven't once hit anyone for hiring my allies, each time it was resolved amicably. Feel free to ask anyone on my wall. This is just one example of the many conclusions you have erroneously jumped to in your pitiful, desperate last post.

    As you might have noticed I am in osw. Hte is for pots and strip funds. The rate we run them will not get us anything in the promo. Feel free to have a look at what I end up with. Your clan however seems built on b2b hte. The nonsence you spout really beggars belief.

    Anyway, im going to try hard to stay off your thread now. I am making kaw a worse place for keeping this thread in active topics.

    I apologise to the kaw community.
  20. Lol clan politics you can argue with the owners.
    No osw here after all? Right
    And where did I ever say I am not a player willing to pay?
    I said events should be fair to all and based on all types of action bar two ( scouts in pvp and items in ebs )
    And yep your wall says enough for me along with your attitude.
    And a little hint. When you say it's your last post. Be a person of your word and don't post again. Kinda makes you look a bit silly.
    See unlike you I look at what's best for all. Not just myself.
    Maybe that's an area you can work on.