Hello it's Hypno and I'm here to tell you something very important and I mean no offense to the KaW forumers but it must be done. Due to the skyrocketing interest in my clan by all the people in kaw especially after our record breaking Kingdom Assault time of 11:42, I am hereby disengaging the acceptance of new members in my clan. Let me give you a background of why I made this harsh but very well needed decision. 3-1-15 I opened this clan to the public and I gave a brief synopsis of it to the forums on this day and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made in my entire career to this day. I had about seven requests with in the first week, five of them statless alts, one was someone getting farmed and when he joined I got strip farmed till I kicked him(which was painful to do) and one was my alt of 57k combined stats to make my clan seem stronger. I knew our clan had potential so I had to try and hold us back to kingdom assault. I knew we would be breaking records but not this bad and I was astonished. When I made the final hit and that clock said 11:42, I about fell out of my chair in shock. I then fell out of my chair in shock. 3-2-15 News of my record smashing kingdom assault time got out to the general public and I knew I was done for. I checked the applicant box to find 427 requests exact including leaderboard players such as AlphaMale and Majestic, and I knew I formed the largest danger to us all. We started smashing all the records such as the previous 1:52:38 all time record for warbeasts, which we beat by two minutes. When world chat started rioting against us, I knew I had to stop this from growing anymore 3-3-15 That brings me to today where I am disallowing new members becuase it would be too much power for one clan and I can not let that happen. If you give support for this decision please do not be afraid to say so. I will add you to the list that I'm planning on sending on a designated date to Kingdoms at War developers and Obama Happy KaWing and may you strike better luck than me. -Hypno
Yes but after I bought Red Star, Cella flipped out and started farming me but I just gave Red Star back but plan to buy Cella now