Doesn't matter if people try to abuse.. You won't get as much from hte still (1 hour HTE I get like 4B let's say. 6 total KO's from my "alt" I could get around 3b.) and you still have to pay for a spell. People would only pay if it was for the benefit of whole clan, and whole clan was in OSW I think.
I do not believe that PvP is dead and just because my stats are terrible on this acct doesn't mean I don't have more. As you can tell by my tags this is an eb fairy mercing acct:
️you're totes right. The devs should also eliminate clans from this game, because the problems are unity, teamwork. Also, ask all countries to dismantle their armies, and to send forth a brave warrior to seal the fate of the countries in MORTAL KOMBAT. (Single combat) This is a problem with humanity. Ya dip
Normally, that only happens when someone goes out of their way to cause it. Though that is what people remember and are trying to avoid.
Well said, Mr. Twinky. But this isn't the thread for this everyone, so keep thoughts on the idea coming please
I disagree. Noob clans, mid size clans and up will jump on you if you get silly. Most "big alliances" members will happily pvp without asking for help, unless of course you get silly. Most respectable clans will protect their own. Don't stereotype the "big alliances" because they outnumber you more than a small clan would.
No support but would only support this if this was for PVP event and bl only. Not bl means too much abuse. Also what really killed PVP was big alliances. If you don't know that then I don't know how to explain it for u. With big alliances chance of getting stripped is easy, so most ppl stopped going for 1 vs. 1. The other side just has to fund the strip and his alliance will help him with the strip. I have seen it happen to countless ppl and including me. Just remember the first PVP event. This one person from some clan got stripped by a TS member cause that person hit him during the shard event. Big alliance killed bl. That is 100% certain.
Someone always trying to exploit what could be an epic idea. Easy fix though. Just make it so only fully regened accounts can be KO'd for that plunder bonus.