Event Reward Tier Requirements

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ICantThinkOfAName, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. Below is the number of unloads on HTE needed per day to reach all goals.

    8,000 - 58
    5,000 - 36
    2,500 - 18
    1,000 - 8
    500 - 4
    250 - 2
    100 - .8
    50 - .4
    10 - .08

    I rounded up for each number. Enjoy!

    Note: This is based on an income of 10 Jewels per HTE
  2. But what about when you seal? Those numbers can't always be accurate.
  3. Do you mean HTE a day or 10 jewels per unload?
  4. 58 unloads per day.. 1 hour regens x 24 hours in a day.. Something doesn't add up. :lol:
  5. This is solely based on hitting the EB. This does not include any item use.

    In theory, you will need to seal and max xstal in order to reach 8,000 Jewels or have good luck opening the Aquarian Cache.
  6. 58 is do able  24 xstals and 24 unloads. Just don't sleep and you'll make it 
  7. You will probably need to throw a few seals in the mix. Just my opinion though.
  8. Wait so hte drops full jewels? so if I do b2beq ebs I have a chance of never gettingone of he parts for a full jewel? smells like bs, correct me if I'm wrong
  9. No way it requires 24 xtals a day and 24/7 activity
  10. Hte drops roughly 5 jewels per 50 actions from what I've seen.

    So yeah, gonna need to either drop a lot of $$$ or be very active in this event.
  11. I do not believe Jewel income will not increase. These rewards are tiered in a way because so many people spent massive amounts of money on events and still had trouble getting a good leaderboard spot for a decent reward. Now you will be rewarded better for spending a nice chunk of change without risking being out spent and getting less.
  12. soooo I have basically 0 chance of getting completed jewels with my nmls?

    Totally unrelated any clans that run the want to foster a noob? If you foster a noob you will feel like a good person!
    To foster me (a noob) wall me :lol;
  13. I just want top 10, no need for 8k for that
  14. Don't worry, drop rate will increase.
  15. LOL that's 10 jewels per HTE. Last HTE I did I got 30... 8k is reachable.

    Only about 120 actions too btw.
  16. Did you hit any items? Also, what was the highest reoccurring payout? I bet you it was not 30 Jewels.

  17. Course you do
  18. Wow! Not top plunder, not highest actions, not strongest person, I made 10B and got the most items to combine into jewels. And no I didn't hit items.
  19. Pay out really needs to increase, 24 unloads in a day plus 24 xtals = 48 unloads and we need 58 unloads a day to reach 8 k. Devs as always have not really thought about this. I have just sealed with items and 4 xtals paid out 69 plus my already fb 69 items for 5 fb and full pots on hte.