What happens is Johnny is walking along and a giant apple rolls in front of him so he eats his way inside the apple and falls into a portal going to another world, when he gets inside he finds ashes there and his camera… Well we all know what ashes does. So later on, he's kicked out because he said it was boring. Later on he's walking and he see's another portal so he steps inside and teleports back to earth. Then he dies of AIDS.
Death by Corrupted Wish Example "I wish I could fly!" Wish granted! You haft to continuously fly at a constant speed & height or your internal organs rot and fall out from bottom to top (brain being last so you can feel it all)
On a 1001 ways to die a girl killed herself with a carrot that's gonna b worst dumb way to die another one was 2 kids had a bunch of rolls to smoke weed but no weed so they smoked random stuff... One of them was deadly poisonous.. lol another 2 college kids walked into a ballon full of helium thinking it was funny like an idiot someone zipped it up with them inside it then after a second they realized they needed out and couldn't get out they were to disoriented.