Spock "A Universal Consciousness"

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by xI-TRON-Ix, Feb 28, 2015.

  1. Thank You Spock for inspiring me...My Homage follows...

    Simple consciousness, possessed by both animals and mankind
    Self-consciousness, possessed by mankind, encompassing thought, reason, and imagination
    Cosmic consciousness, a consciousness of the life and order of the universe which is possessed by few men at present. It is a further stage of human evolution which will be reached by all humanity in the future.

    This consciousness shows the cosmos to consist not of dead matter governed by unconscious, rigid, and unintending law; it shows it on the contrary as entirely immaterial, entirely spiritual and entirely alive; it shows that death is an absurdity, that everyone and everything has eternal life; it shows that the universe is God and that God is the universe, and that no evil ever did or ever will enter into it; a great deal of this is, of course, from the point of view of self consciousness, absurd; it is nevertheless undoubtedly true.

    TRON 2015

    Spock lives. "Is it logical?"
  2. Long Live, and Prosper.
  3. Awesome point TRON 
  4. Congratulations on the worst forum post this week
  5. Who cares about Spock?

    that's right. Nobody, Nerd
  6. Why thank you illiterate forumer with a grudge of butt hurt

    Did I offend you?
  7. Want me to spank you down? What grade are you in lil dude?
  8. Link my wall, I think your cool.
  9. Are you wanna be Sparta in a Wanna be zaft clan?
  10. Lol, easy, done. Next.

    Be Logical - Spock
  11. All hail Galvatron
  13. Dumb nerd. L2 be smart and popular at the same time then maybe you won't be such a nerd.
  14. My wife's body is fake, fantastic, and fun. Not a treky but I dig the new star wars movies not the old ones. I respect all people. There are some nerds out there that are bangin.

  15. Thankfully, I'm well past that. Learn to spell and write without "text abbreviations" and maybe you can sound reasonably intelligent. I fear for your generation, and I try every day to make sure my kids understand the values that are so lacking in the majority of young people today. I hope I am well retired when the kids of today take over the workforce - it is going to be a catastrophe.
  16. he was a character on a really cheesy show..... thats it
  17. Without "dumb" nerds, you wouldn't be playing kingdoms at war...
  18. The autism is real in you from what I have heard. But I agree that there are some idiots in my generation. Okay maybe more than just some.
  19. That didn't work btw.
  20. You are for sure one of them^